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I.V. infusion of a drag-reducing polymer extracted from aloe vera prolonged survival time in a rat model of acute myocardial ischaemia†  T. Sakai, B.M.

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Presentation on theme: "I.V. infusion of a drag-reducing polymer extracted from aloe vera prolonged survival time in a rat model of acute myocardial ischaemia†  T. Sakai, B.M."— Presentation transcript:

1 I.V. infusion of a drag-reducing polymer extracted from aloe vera prolonged survival time in a rat model of acute myocardial ischaemia†  T. Sakai, B.M. Repko, B.P. Griffith, J.H. Waters, M.V. Kameneva  British Journal of Anaesthesia  Volume 98, Issue 1, Pages (January 2007) DOI: /bja/ael307 Copyright © 2007 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions

2 Fig 1 Survival curves of the two groups following ligation of the coronary artery. At the end of the study (60 min after the coronary ligation), all animals in the drag-reducing polymer group survived while four of eight animals died in the control group. A significant difference was found by Log rank test between the groups (P=0.025). British Journal of Anaesthesia  , 23-28DOI: ( /bja/ael307) Copyright © 2007 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions

3 Fig 2 (a) Heart rate in the drag-reducing polymer and control groups. The DRP group had a significantly lower heart rate at 30, 40 and 50 min following coronary ligation (*P<0.05, #P<0.01). Here (and in b and c) ‘pre-infusion’ indicates a measurement immediately before DRP or vehicle infusion, ‘pre-open chest’ indicates 25 min after the initiation of the infusion, ‘pre-coronary ligation’ indicates 40 min after the infusion started, and ‘10′, 20′, 30′, 40′, 50′, 60′’, indicates 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min and 60 min respectivelty, after coronary artery ligation. The bottom columns corresponding to the time points indicate the number of surviving animals in each group at each time-point. (b) Mean arterial pressure (MAP). The drag-reducing polymer group had a significantly higher MAP during the ‘pre-coronary ligation’ period, which remained at higher MAP than the control group throughout the rest of the study period, except at 20 min after the coronary ligation (*P<0.05, #P<0.01). (c) Tissue perfusion of the skin. †One animal was excluded from data analysis in the drag-reducing polymer group because of a malfunction of the tissue perfusion probe at the time of experiment. Therefore the DRP group consisted of seven animals. The DRP group had a statistically significantly higher tissue perfusion at 40, 50 and 60 min after the coronary ligation (*P<0.05). British Journal of Anaesthesia  , 23-28DOI: ( /bja/ael307) Copyright © 2007 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions

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