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Title IX… The Good. The Bad. And the Ugly.

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Presentation on theme: "Title IX… The Good. The Bad. And the Ugly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title IX… The Good. The Bad. And the Ugly.
Dr. Maureen M. McGuinness University of North Texas

2 Introductions and Expectations

3 Obligations Under Title IX
When an institution knows or reasonable should know of possible sexual harassment, it must: Take immediate and appropriate steps to determine what occurred. Take prompt and effective steps to end the sexual violence Eliminate the hostile environment Prevent recurrence Remedy its effects RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYEES

4 Sexual Assault on US Campuses
The Hunting Ground

5 Baylor Scandal (Complainants)
The Short Sports Show 60 Minutes report Where are some of the shortcomings? What does your institution have set up as to not have the same shortcomings?

6 Duke Lacrosse Don’t forget about Respondents Duke Lacrosse case What can we learn from the Duke case?

7 Penn State, Michigan State, USC
Penn State University Michigan State University University of Southern California

8 Questions??

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