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SPACE II Presentation to Facilities Information System Users Fall 2005

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Presentation on theme: "SPACE II Presentation to Facilities Information System Users Fall 2005"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPACE II Presentation to Facilities Information System Users Fall 2005
Facilities Resource Planning: Deborah Blythe, David Breon, Susan Hunter Cost Analysis/Property Inventory: Bill Gush, Beverly Lipski

2 Original space survey Fall ’03 – Spring ’04 Identified room
Occupants Activities Assigned Facilities and Administrative (F&A) percentages to rooms

3 Outcomes of original survey
Facilities Resources & Planning populated campus-wide database Cost Analysis prepared F&A proposal using space data We have current and reliable space information

4 Where are we now? New buildings added since survey (Chemistry, Life Sciences, Business) Various relocations, moves, space re-assignments New FIS users all over campus Changes in personnel and activities

5 So, why are you here? November 2005 baseline for next F&A proposal
Need accurate complete space data in Facilities Information System

6 Why is this important to us?
Accurate space data = accurate F&A allocation F&A $ = overhead recovery Overhead recovery = $ allocation to college budget

7 F&A costs based on space
Research allocation (FY ’02-’03) Operations & Maintenance $18,488,470 Building depreciation $ 4,688,944 Equipment depreciation $ 3,631,597 Total $26,809,011

8 What are your responsibilities?
Update Facilities Information System to provide accurate complete space data

9 Special concerns New hires Employee transfers Employee retirements
Employee terminations Changes in faculty activities profiles especially for faculty who were new at time of original survey with no sponsored programs Now likely have one or more sponsored programs Space would change from departmental research to sponsored research or instruction

10 F&A classifications OMB Circular A-21
Organized Research Sponsored Instruction Instruction Departmental Research Other Institutional Activity Specialized Service Facility Operations and Maintenance General Administration Departmental Administration Sponsored Projects Administration Library Student Services Non-Assignable Auxiliary Applied Research Laboratory/Electro-Optics Center

11 Organized Research Programs sponsored by external sources
Federal Non-federal Activity funded internally if project is separately budgeted and accounted for by University under internal application of institutional funds

12 Sponsored Instruction
Funded by Grant Contract Cooperative agreement Includes activities involving training in research techniques (research training)

13 Instruction Teaching and training activities of the institution except for Sponsored Instruction Teaching/training activity may be offered On credit or non-credit basis On degree or non-degree basis Through regular academic departments or separate divisions such as extension or outreach

14 Departmental Research
Research or scholarly activity financed by institutional funds that is not organized research and not separately budgeted Funding is discretionary and no financial reporting required Includes activities supported by Start up funds Non-competitive “seed monies” for general research initiatives

15 Other Institutional Activities
Sponsored activities not considered Sponsored Research or Sponsored Instruction Auxiliary Enterprises as below Activities whose costs are unallowable to sponsored programs such as Development and fundraising Public/alumni relations

16 Specialized Service Facility
Costs of institutional services involving use of highly complex or specialized facilities such as electronic computers, wind tunnels, reactors, animal facilities and MCL Classification must have review by and approval of Manager of Cost Analysis/Property Inventory

17 Operations and Maintenance
Should not be used by Colleges in determining functional classification of space Space associated with administration, supervision, operations, maintenance, preservation, and protection of University facilities and grounds

18 General Administration
Should not be used by Colleges in determining functional classification of space Space associated with administrative offices of the University such as accounting, personnel, purchasing, information centers, etc. that do not relate solely to any major division

19 Departmental Administration
Space used for administrative and supporting services that benefit common or joint departmental activities and do not relate solely to any major activity of department (i.e., instruction or research) Includes Secretarial and clerical support areas such as office supply rooms, etc. Conference rooms supporting multiple activities Space supporting grant and proposal writing, including faculty offices where this occurs

20 Sponsored Projects Administration
Operating units established primarily to administer sponsored projects Includes Grant and contract administration Special security Purchasing Personnel Administration Editing and publishing research reports

21 Library Should not be used by Colleges in determining functional classification of space Space devoted to operation and administration of library

22 Student Services Space devoted to administration of student affairs and services to students Includes Deans of students Admissions Registrar Counseling and placement services Student advisors Student health and infirmary services

23 Non-Assignable Space that is vacant, inactive or under renovation

24 Auxiliary Enterprises
Should not be used by Colleges in determining functional classification of space Space devoted to activities supported by income derived from services operated primarily to serve students, faculty or staff Includes Residence halls Food services Intercollegiate athletics

25 Applied Research Laboratory/Electro-Optics Center
Space occupied by programs and support functions of the Applied Research Laboratory and Electro-Optics Center

26 October 17 We will be checking!
Colleges will be notified regarding unpopulated space

27 FIS Demonstration Questions? F&A functions FIS

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