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Update on UK participation in Horizon 2020

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Presentation on theme: "Update on UK participation in Horizon 2020"— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on UK participation in Horizon 2020
Session “Open to the World” – Dreilaendertreffen, Tuebingen Inga Benner, Deputy Director, UKRO 21 March 2019

2 Open to the World – Brexit session
Introduction UKRO/UKRI State of play Brexit – R&I and different scenarios Future engagement: Horizon 2020 and beyond Available resources

3 Introduction UKRI and UKRO

4 Maintains Brussels presence and hosts UK NCPs UKRI and Brexit:
UKRI was created on 1 April 2018 – joins seven UK Research Councils, InnovateUK and Research England Maintains Brussels presence and hosts UK NCPs UKRI and Brexit: Wants to see the best possible outcome for research and innovation from the Government’s negotiations to leave the European Union. Is committed to enabling and facilitating collaboration between UK researchers and international partners in Europe and across the world. Plays full role in advising Government and providing evidence UKRI was announced in August 2018 by the UK government as the partner of choice to deliver the underwrite if it needs to come into effect.

5 UK Research Office UKRI Brussels presence is jointly delivered by UKRO and Innovate UK 35 years in Brussels! Sponsored by UKRI – policy monitoring and support Delivers a suite of subscriber-based services (Portal, dedicated European Advisor, visits, Brussels meeting facilities) Delivers ERC and MSCA NCPs on behalf of the UK Government

6 UKRO and Brexit UKRI offers direct support to the UK research and innovation community via its Brussels presence Facilitation role strengthened after EU referendum UKRO Factsheet Collecting questions/reactions/concerns from community (UK and beyond) Clarifying/explaining misconceptions/”myths” Regular “ELO catch-ups”

7 State of play Brexit – R&I and different scenarios

8 Currently and until EU exit
The UK is still an EU Member State and continues to be until the end of the negotiations and the formal exit This means it has the same rights and obligations as all other 27 Member States, including the participation in EU funding programmes The exact details on how the UK can participate after the UK exits the EU are to be determined

9 European Commission Guidance relating to Brexit and Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 Evaluation Eligibility Work Programme Commission Guidance: “Experts should not evaluate proposals with UK participants any differently than before.” FAQ on Risk Management “Speculation will not be taken into account during evaluation” “until the UK leaves the EU, EU law continues to apply to and within the UK, when it comes to rights and obligations; this includes the eligibility of UK legal entities to fully participate and receive funding in Horizon 2020 actions such as those called for in this work programme. Please be aware however that the eligibility criteria must be complied with for the entire duration of the grant.”

10 Horizon 2020 and a Withdrawal Agreement
UK-based individuals and organisations remain eligible to bid for funding, participate in and lead consortia while the UK remains a Member State. A ratified deal based on the provisions set out in the Withdrawal Agreement would ensure continued UK participation in Horizon 2020 until the end of the programme and for the lifetime of projects. If an agreement is reached, projects approved during this period will be able to continue with an uninterrupted flow of EU funding

11 Guarantees to ensure continuity of funding in a no-deal scenario
HMT Underwrite Guarantee August 2016 Post EU Exit Guarantee Extension July 2018 Only in a no-deal scenario The UK Government has committed to underwrite competitive UK bids to EU funding submitted before exit, even if they are notified of their success after exit, for the lifetime of the projects This will cover the funding for UK participants in Horizon 2020 projects in no deal-scenario. Only in a no-deal scenario The UK government post EU exit Guarantee Extension would cover funding for successful UK bids to EU calls open to third country participants from the date of exit until end of 2020 The guarantee would cover the lifetime of their projects, even if these last beyond 2020 The government is seeking discussions with the European Commission to agree the details of our continued participation as a third country,

12 Horizon 2020 and third country participation
Common and often desired in collaborative projects In ITNs, RISE, ERC Synergy etc. However, third country participation does not extend to some Horizon 2020 calls (majority of ERC, mono-beneficiary MSCA and SME instrument) The UK Government is considering what other measures may be necessary to support UK research and innovation if the guarantee and the guarantee extension are required. The UK Government is working with UKRI and other stakeholders, to identify appropriate measures that could be put in place in the period immediately after EU Exit, if needed.

13 No-deal preparation: Registration of EU Grants
Horizon 2020 and Research Fund for Coal and Steel UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is the delivery partner which would, if required, administer the underwrite for Horizon 2020 UKRI Registration process is underway Other EU funded programmes Europe for Citizens, Connecting Europe Facility, Telecoms (CEF), Creative Europe, Health for Growth, Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC), Erasmus, European Solidarity Corps (ESC), Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – (COSME) Cabinet Office Registration process is underway This process is usually manged centrally within universities ONLY for the UK beneficiaries or partner organisations.

14 EU contingency plans Proposals on Erasmus+ (already approved by Council) and EU Budget (spending programmes) Cover the 2019 EU budget and include a number of conditions to be fulfilled by the UK Would enable projects with UK participants to continue (financing and eligibility)

15 Future engagement: Horizon 2020 and beyond

16 Future relationship? The UK Government has stated that the UK remains committed to ongoing collaboration with the EU. White paper (July 2018) proposes a cooperative accord with the EU on science and innovation.

17 Future relationship Programmes: UK would like the option to associate to excellence based European research and innovation programmes (including Horizon Europe) UK still involved in shaping Horizon Europe Infrastructures: Importance of maintaining access to research infrastructures (in UK and internationally) recognised People

18 Available resources

19 Links to official documents and further information
UK Government technical notices The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is responsible for Horizon Dedicated inbox for specific concerns UKRO factsheet with links to all major publications available at UUK Brexit and Universities page

20 Update on UK participation in Horizon 2020
Session “Open to the World” – Dreilaendertreffen, Tuebingen Inga Benner, Deputy Director, UKRO 21 March 2019

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