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PROTEINS Workhorse of the Cell.

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Presentation on theme: "PROTEINS Workhorse of the Cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROTEINS Workhorse of the Cell

2 Which foods are high in protein?
PROTEINS Which foods are high in protein?

3 What are proteins?

4 You are protein! Proteins account for 50% of dry mass.

5 Proteins are the workhorses of the cell.
Proteins do all the work! Chemical reactions Protection Transport Movement Regulation Communication Structure CELLS DNA PROTEINS

6 Proteins have many different functions:
Chemical Reactions - Enzymes --- control the rate chemical reactions in a cell. Protection – Antibodies --- combat bacteria and viruses. Transport - Hemoglobin --- transports oxygen to all cells in all parts of the body. Movement – Muscle --- actin & myosin contract and expand allowing organisms to move Regulation - Hormones --- insulin regulates the concentration of sugar in the blood Communication – Receptor Proteins --- relays signals between cells

7 Other proteins provide structure and support:
Skin, ligaments, tendons , cartilage, bone, and arteries contain collagen. Upper layer of skin, hair, nails, feathers, scales, hoofs, and horns are composed of keratin. Pigment in skin, hair, and eyes contain melanin.  

8 A protein is composed mainly of
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

9 A protein is a macromolecule composed of monomers of amino acids.
Polymer Protein

10 Proteins Chain of amino acids

11 There are 20 different amino acids.

12 All amino acids have a similar structure.
hydrogen —N— H | —C— C—OH || O Carboxyl group Amino group R R group

13 All amino acids have a similar structure.
same —N— H | —C— C—OH || O same same R Different Here

14 How do these amino acids differ?
They differ in their R group.

15 Proteins differ in the number , type and order of amino acids.
How many amino acids are in these proteins? 5 Protein = amino acid Proteins can differ in the number of amino acids. Protein = amino acid amino acid 6 amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid 4 Protein = amino acid

16 2 Proteins can differ in 3 The type of amino acids. 5 = = = Protein
How many different amino acids are in these proteins? 2 Protein = amino acid Proteins can differ in The type of amino acids. Protein = 3 amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid amino acid 5 Protein = amino acid

17 = = = Protein Protein Protein 5 3 no
How many amino acids are in these proteins? ___ 3 How many different amino acids are in these proteins? ___ no Are these the same proteins? ___ How are these different proteins?_____________________ in their order of amino acids Protein = amino acid Protein = amino acid Protein = amino acid

18 ENZYMES - - - are Proteins
Enzymes are extremely important proteins because they control all the chemical reactions that occur in our bodies.

19 Enzymes are catalysts. Catalysts are compounds that speed up chemical reactions.

20 Enzymes remain unchanged.
Same enzyme unchanged

21 Products Substrate Active Site Enzyme

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