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Chinese American Literature

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1 Chinese American Literature

2 First period (from the end of the 19th century to 1960s)
19th century Chinese American literature has only recently come to be studied, as much of it was written in Chinese. These Chinese-language writings of Chinese Americans immigrants have only recently been made available 19th century Chinese American writers were primarily workers and students. These early Chinese American authors produced autobiographies as well as novels and poems, mostly in Cantonese. Island : Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island《埃伦诗集 》

3 Yan Phou Lee (李恩富)When I was Boy in China 《我在中国的童年时代》1887
Yung Wing (容闳)the first Chinese student to graduate from an American University (Yale, in 1854), whose autobiography, My Life in China and America《我在中国和美国的生活》, was published in 1909.

4 Sui Sin Far (Edith Eaton)(水仙花)
Mrs.Spring Fragrance《春香太太》1912 Pardee Lowe (刘裔昌) Father and Glorious Descendant 《虎父虎子》1943 Jade Snow Wong(黄玉雪) Fifth Chinese Daughter《华女阿五》1945

5 Chin Yang Lee (黎锦杨)Flower Drum Song《花鼓歌》
Virginia Lee (李金兰) The House That Tai Ming Built《太明所建之屋》 Betty Lee Sung (宋李瑞芳) Mountain of Gold《金山》

6 Louis Chu (雷庭招)Eat a Bowl of Tea《吃碗茶》1961

7 Second period (1960s-1980s) ABC- American Born Chinses
Civil Right Movements

8 Kai-yu Hsu(许芥昱) & Helen Palubinskas(海伦·帕卢宾斯克斯)
Asian-American Authors《美国亚裔作家选》 Frank Chin(赵建秀), Jeffrey Paul(陈耀光), Shawn Hsu Wong(徐忠雄) Aiiieeee! An Anthology of Asian-American Writers《哎呀!美国亚裔作家文集》

9 Maxine Hong Kingston 汤亭亭
The Woman Warrior《女勇士》 China Men《中国佬》 Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book《孙行者》

10 Third period (1989-) Amy Tan (谭恩美) The Joy Luck Club《喜福会》1989
Kitchen God’s Wife《灶神之妻》1991 A Hundred Secret Senses《通灵女孩》1995 The Bonesetter’s Daughter《接骨师之女》2001 Saving Fish from Drowning《拯救溺水鱼》2005

11 Gish Jen (任碧莲)Mona’s Promised Land《莫娜的希望之乡》1996
David Henry Hwang(黄哲伦) M. Butterfly《蝴蝶君》1988 Fae Myenne Ng 伍慧明 Bone《骨》1993

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