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Eutrophication in Water bodies

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1 Eutrophication in Water bodies
By: Kelly Toy

2 Overview What is Eutrophication Eutrophication management Experiments
Nitrogen or Phosphorus control Debate Case Study: Baltic Sea Recommendations

3 1. What is Eutrophication?
Definition Sources Process Importance

4 Definition - Eutrophication
Degradation of water bodies from overfertilization of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), resulting in excess plant biomass and consequently oxygen and habitat depletion. Seagrasses covered with attached algae in a Danish estuary. Removing microalgal blooms at the Olympic Sailing Venue, China.

5 Excess N and P from Human Activities
N and P enters water through Runoff Wastewater treatment and industrial discharges Agriculture Excess fertilizers, manure Combustion of fossil fuels N in air  acid rain  water

6 Eutrophication Process
Excess N +P Growth of Plant biomass Blooms die and sink to sediment Fish and wildlife die Anoxia (no O2) in deep waters Bacteria consume oxygen to degrade dead biomass Denitrification (no N) occurs in anaerobic conditions N-fixing cyanobacteria dominate Internal loading of P, system is N-deficient Cyanobacteria is worse than algae N-deficient system promotes cyanobacteria to thrive

7 Why does Eutrophication matter?
Global expansion of dead zones oxygen depleted areas where fish and wildlife are extinct Decreased biodiversity New species invasion Toxic algal blooms (some cyanobacteria) Aesthetically unpleasing Severe impacts on fisheries Economic detriment industries relying on water quality/ aquatic ecosystems (tourism)

8 2. Eutrophication Management Experiments
1970’s Schindler Experiment Response Effects on Lakes and Estuaries

9 1970’s experimentation 37-years long with entire-ecosystem lakes
D.W. Schindler found: P controls phytoplankton Reducing N increased cyanobacteria Response: U.S. and Europe ban P in detergents Ramp up P removal in wastewater treatment plants Only N inputs N + P inputs Experimental Lake 226 Ontario, Canada

10 Effect on Lakes and Estuaries
Water quality in lakes improved dramatically Eutrophication in estuaries increased N pollution grew tremendously since the 1970’s N contributes to eutrophication in estuaries (no N-fixing cyanobacteria, N can limit growth) Definitons Lake- Freshwater surrounded by land Estuary- Freshwater inlet connects to ocean outlet Salinity varies throughout water body

11 Dead Zones in Estuaries
146 coastal regions affected by anoxia Eliminating fish and bottom-feeding life forms Size of dead zones growing Gulf of Mexico dead zone- state of New Jersey

12 3. N or P Control Debate Evidence for each side

13 Debate: N or P control? Reducing P increased eutrophication in estuaries Reducing N increased N-fixing cyanobacteria Expert Liminologists are still debating which nutrient controls eutrophication cannot perform Schindler experiments in estuaries Each water body is condition specific Region and environment/ecosystem

14 4. Case Study: Baltic Sea Description High Societal Stakes

15 Case Study: Baltic Sea 9 countries bordering Low salinity estuary
N-fixers abundant Spatial extent and intensity of Hypoxia (low O2) growing

16 Dual Nutrient reduction strategy
Abatement plan was signed by all Baltic Sea countries in 2007 cost $4 billion/year Upgrade P urban sewage treatment decrease eutrophication to levels in

17 High Societal Stakes $$
Swedish Department of Agriculture calculates N reductions in the plan cannot be fulfilled unless a large part of Swedish agriculture is shut down Damaging aquatic ecosystem Economic detriment to fishing and water industries Many Countries input Many Countries affected

18 5. Recommendations Results should be well tested Expensive
Other ways to mitigate Eutrophication

19 Recommendation All beneficial effects of dual N and P control must be robustly predicted before implementing high cost of nutrient reductions N abatement is a very expensive pilot study May favor cyanobacteria instead of water quality Do not install N removal technologies at ww treatment plant yet Continue P reductions to reduce sedimentation Reduce both N + P at the source

20 In the meantime We can reduce N and P inputs without expensive treatment Control Measures for Runoff of both N and P: Decreased use of fertilizers Containment and treatment of manure Tillage practices that conserve soil Vegetative buffers along shoreline Maintenance and restoration of wetlands Convert croplands sensitive to erosion to other uses that do not pollute waterways Eating less meat – fewer fertilizers needed to grow grain for livestock and less manure

21 Conclusion Eutrophication is destroying aquatic ecosystems
Experiments and Observations How do we manage N and P? Expensive Societal effects on Countries

22 References Carpenter, S.R. Phosphorus control is critical to mitigating eutrophication. PNAS 2008, 105, Conley, D.J. et al. Hypoxia-Related Processes in the Baltic Sea. Environmental Science and Technology 2009, 43, Schindler, D.W. et al. Eutrophication of lakes cannot be controlled by reducing nitrogen input: Results of a 37-year whole-ecosystem experiment. PNAS 2008, 105, Lewis, W.M.; Wurtsbaugh, W.A. Control of Lacustrine Phytoplankton by Nutrients: Erosion of the Phosphorus Paradigm. International Review Hydrobiology 2008, 93, Conley, D.J. et al. Controlling Eutrophication: Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Science 2009, 323, Howarth, R.; Paerl, H.W. Coastal marine eutrophication: Control of both nitrogen and phosphorus is necessary. PNAS 2008, 105, E103. Schindler, D.W.; Hecky, R.E. Reply to Howarth and Paerl: Is control of both nitrogen and phosphorus necessary? PNAS 2008, 105, E104. Schindler, D.W.; Hecky, R.E. Eutrophication: More Nitrogen Data Needed. Science 2009, 324, Schelske, C.L. Eutrophication: Focus on Phosphorus. Science 2009, 324, 722. Conley, D.J. et al. Response (to Eutrophication Policy Forum Debate). Science 2009, 324, Bryhn, A.C.; Hakanson, L. Coastal eutrophication: Whether N and/or P should be abated depends on the dynamic mass balance. PNAS 2009, 106, E3 Schindler, D.W.; Hecky, R.E. Reply to Bryhn and Hakanson: Models for the Baltic agree with our experiments and observations in lakes. PNAS 2009, 106, E4. Bryhn, A.C.; Hakanson, L. Eutrophication: Model Before Acting. Science 2009, 324, 723. Jacoby, C.A.; Frazer, T.K. Eutrophication: Time to Adjust Expectations. Science 2009, 324,

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