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Tautology Decision May be able to use unateness to simplify process

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1 Tautology Decision May be able to use unateness to simplify process
Unate Function – one that has either the uncomplemented or complemented literals for each variable Function F is weakly unate with respect to the variable Xi when there is a variable Xi and at least one constant a  Pi satisfying F(|Xi = a)  F (X1 , , Xi , , Xn ) The SOP F is weakly unate with respect to the variable Xi when in an array F there is a sub-array of cubes that depend on Xi and in this sub-array all the values in a column are 0.

2 Weakly Unate SOP F Example
c3 and c4 depend on variable X1 first column of c3 and c4 are all 0. Therefore F is weakly unate with respect to the variable X1 X1 X X3 1111 – 1110 – c1 1111 – 1101 – c2 0110 – 0110 – c3 0101 – 0111 – c4 F =

3 Tautology Decision - Weakly Unate Simplification Theorems
Let an SOP F be weakly unate with respect to the variable Xj. Among the cubes of F, let G be the set of cubes that do not depend on the variable Xj. Then, G  1  F  1. Theorem 9.7 Let c1 = XjSA and c2 = XjS B where SA  SB = Pj and SA  SB =  Then, F  1  F(|c1)  1 and F(|c2)  1.

4 Tautology Decision Algorithm
If F has a column with all 0’s, then F is not a tautology. Let F = {c1,c2 , ,ck}, where ci is a cube. If the sum of the number of minterms in all cubes ci is less the total number in the univeral, cube then F is not a tautology. If there is a cube with all 1’s in F, then F is a tautology. When we consider only the active columns in F, if they are all two-valued, and if the number of variables is less than 7, then decide the tautology of F by the truth table.

5 Tautology Decision Algorithm (continued)
When there is a weakly unate variable, simplify the problem by using Theorem 9.6 When F consists of more than one cube: F is a tautology iff F(|c1)  1 and F(|c2)  1 where c1 = XjSA and c2 = XjS , SA  SB = Pj and SA  SB =  .

6 Tautology Decision Examples: G =
01 – 100 – 1100 11 – 111 – 0010 Examples: X3 variable has column with all 0’s, so not a tautology. F does not depend on X1. Let c1= ( ) and c2= ( ) By Thm 9.7, F is a tautology. G = 11 – 110 – 1110 11 – 110 – 0001 11 – 001 – 1111 F= 11 – 111 – 1110 11 – 111 – 0001 11 – 111 – 1111 F1= F(|c1) =  1 11 – 111 – 1111 F2= F(|c2) =  1

7 Generation of Prime Implicants
Definitions: Prime Implicant - an implicant contained by no other implicant. A set of prime implicants for a function F is denoted by PI(F ) Strongly Unate - Let X be a variable that takes a value in P={0, 1, 2, …, p-1}. If there a total order () on the values of variable X in function F, such that j  k ( j, k  P) implies F(| X = j)  F(| X = k), then the function F is strongly unate with respect to X. If F is strongly unate with respect to all the variables, then the function F is strongly unate.

8 Generation of Prime Implicants
Definitions: Strongly Unate – Next, assume that F is an SOP. If there is a total order () among the values of variable X, and if j  k ( j, k  P), then each product term of the SOP F(| X = j) is contained by all the product term of the SOP F(| X = k). In this case the SOP F is strongly unate with respect to X. If F is strongly unate with respect to Xi, then F is weakly unate with respect to Xi.

9 Strongly Unate Example
1111 – 1001 0111 – 0111 0011 – 0110 0001 – 0101 F(|X2= 0) = (1111 – 1111) F(|X2= 1) = F(|X2= 2) = F(|X2= 3) = F(|X2= 2) < F(|X2= 1) < F(|X2= 0) = F(|X2= 3) F = F(|X1= 0) = (1111 – 1001) F(|X1= 1) = F(|X1= 2) = F(|X1= 3) = F(|X1= 0) < F(|X1= 1) = F(|X1= 2) = F(|X1= 3) F is strongly unate with respect to X1 and to X2 0111 – 1111 0011 – 1111 0001 – 1111 1111 – 1001 1111 – 0111 1111 – 1001 1111 – 0111 1111 – 0110 0111 – 1111 0011 – 1111 1111 – 1001 1111 – 0111 1111 – 0110 1111 – 0101 1111 – 1111 0111 – 1111 0001 – 1111

10 Generation of Prime Implicants
Generation of Prime Implicants Algorithm

11 Generation of Prime Implicants

12 Generation of Prime Implicants

13 Generation of Prime Implicants

14 Sharp Operation Sharp Operation: (#) Used to computer F  G, assume For 2-valued inputs and F = U, n-variable function generates  (3n / n) prime implicants, so sharp function time consuming. Disjoint Sharp Operation: ( # ) Used to compute F  G. Cubes are disjoint, n-variable function has at most 2n cubes.

15 Sharp Operation

16 Sharp Operation

17 Sharp Operation Example:

18 Sharp Operation Example:

19 Sharp Operation Example:

20 Sharp Operation Example:

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