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OVERVIEW Extensions Delayed and Early Reporting Requests
Early Release w/ or w/o Replacement Administrative Hold Waivers considerations Summary Questions? Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
Reference AFI , Ch 9, para 9.20 & AFCENT Policy Voluntary extension s/b for entire rotation Partial extensions (case-by-case basis) i.e., gap fill Request s/b submitted 90 days prior to end of tour Less than 90 days increases risk of disapproval Mbr’s vol statement, deployed & home station CC approval Send request to Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
Members volunteering for two 179 day deployments Member must sign a letter stating they understand they are serving two separate 179 day TDYs not one 365 day TDY With Commander’s approval the member can take R&R leave after entering the next rotation MAJCOM FAM is approval authority Member must meet all of the requested rotation’s requirements (ie: AFSC, Grd, Line Remarks) Member may need amendments, new CED orders, and/or mandays depending on circumstances Note: Mbr’s ETL will be adjusted, not moved into vacant ULN Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
PERSCO sends request to AFCENT/A1P (SIPR) AFCENT reviews for accuracy and signatures Request is forwarded to AFPC/DPW (SWA) via SIPR AFPC forwards to Scheduler/MAJCOM for approval AFPC sends to AFCENT/A1P with approval/disapproval AFCENT/A1P forwards approval/disapproval to PERSCO
Reference AFI , Ch 9, para 9.17 & AFCENT Policy Involuntary extension option for CC for 14 days RDD + ETL + 14 Applies to Active Duty and Mobilized ARC mbrs Any extension past 14 days MUST have COMUSAFCENT approval Does not apply to 365 day tours (SECDEF must approve) Processed through PERSCO, AETF-A, AUAB/A1 Send completed request to Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
Early or Delayed Reporting
Intent/purpose Identify when an Early Reporting Request is required Identify when a Delayed Reporting Request is required Identify procedures for processing Delayed Reporting requests IAW Early/Late Reporting policy memorandum Distinguish the difference between Delayed Reporting request and Delayed Reporting notification Commercial Travel Requests
Early or Delayed Reporting
If mbr’s arrival is projected to be earlier than 7 days from RDD or anytime after RDD, an Early or Delayed Reporting request is submitted IAW USAFCENT Early and Delayed Reporting Policy IPR sends request via SIPR to servicing PERSCO team for deployed Commander’s approval Communicate importance to CC of quick turn (w/in 72hrs) Home station has option for reclama
Delayed Reporting Second Request for Status Third Request for Status
If IPR doesn’t receive a decision w/in 72 hrs, they will send a second request and Cc AUAB/A1, AFCENT/A1P and MAJCOM Third Request for Status Please work toward avoiding receipt of a 3rd request for status
Delayed Reporting Notification
Examples of Delayed Reporting Notification Mandatory Pre-Deployment training that causes member to miss Required Delivery Date (RDD) Sustained Injury Delayed Reporting requests submitted after RDD Does not require deployed Group/Wing Commander’s signature Missed Movement
Delayed Reporting Delayed Reporting approval/disapproval is forwarded to IPR (cc AFCENT/A1P org box) If disapproved, IPR will check with transportation management for flight availability Commercial Travel request IPR will submit disapproved Delayed Reporting along with Commercial Travel request via SIPR to USAFCENT/A1P for approval If no available flights to meet RDD, USAFCENT/A1P will approve Commercial Travel
Delayed Reporting and Vol/Invol Extensions Requests
Once delayed reporting request is submitted and approved, deployed location could experience a gap Would require incumbent to extend in place Member could volunteer to extend until replacement arrives or be involuntarily extended If member volunteers, member would extend in-place until replacement arrives and overlap is completed If member doesn’t volunteer, CC can involuntarily extend member up to 14 days past ETL If member is extended involuntarily past 14 days, request is routed through AUAB/A1 for COMUSAFCENT approval via PERSCO team
Deployed Commanders have authority to early release member’s prior to the completion of their normal tour. Some reasons for Early Release: Medical Disqualification Substandard duty performance Disqualified from performing duty Emergency Leave (Sq/CC approval) Replacements are authorized when: 30+ Days Remain on ETL “Mission Critical” position w/ <30 remain & Commander request replacement Other exceptions reviewed on case by case basis Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
EMERGENCY LEAVE Emergency Leave Requests
AFI , Leave Program, para Red Cross notification required CC or PT Chief approves (1st Sgt may be delegated) AF Form 972 used for emergency leave travel Duty Status is updated in DCAPES Note: Emergency Leave does not necessarily constitute an Early Release request If member does not return, an Early Release request is accomplished (either w or w/o replacement)
Early Release (with or without replacement) The early release with or with out replacement requests must be sent via SIPR Unit CC/1st Sergeant initiates Early Release/Replacement Request PERSCO’s role must be advertised – communicate Deployed Commander must approve request Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
For early release without replacement only: PERSCO sends message directly to AFPC/DPW (SWA) and cc AFCENT For early release with replacement: PERSCO sends to AFCENT/A1P for the replacement ULN AFCENT/A1P will send to AFPC/DPW (SWA) for sourcing Subject line on needs to read: “Early Release w OR w/o Replacement - RANK LAST NAME FIRST NAME MI (PID/ULN/LNR) - TPAS” Please ensure to courtesy copy the below on request: Home station PRF/ Unit CC AFFOR MAJCOM Readiness Branch Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
MEMORANDUM FOR DEPLOYED COMMANDER FROM: PERSCO SUBJECT: Early Release (w or w/o replacement) Request For (Grade, Name, ULN/LNR) 1. Request of early release for the following person: Grade/Name/SSAN: ULN/LNR/SUFFIX: AFSC: TASKED PAS/Base: Date Required in Place (RDD): Original End TDY Date: Date Mbr departed AOR: Reason for Member’s early release: Replacement Requested: (Yes/No): Mission Critical (Yes/No): Replacement Approved by: Deployed Gp/CC (Rank, full name) Has the commander coordinated a replacement with home station: (Yes/No) If yes explain Is member serving a 365 day tour (Yes/No)? If yes please provide which course of action (COA) the commander wants to follow: COA 1: Gap the position until a 365 day person can be identified by AFPC and training if required is provided by 2 AF. This will be approximately 4 months. COA 2: Send a 120 day fill until the 365 day person can be identified and trained. This is not a preferred COA. If CST can not be waived for the 120 day fill as training is generally 60 days and is cost prohibitive COA 3. Send a replacement to fill the remainder of the tour. COA 4: Gap the position until the next rotation. 2. My POC for this matter is_______. He/she can be reached at DSN________ . Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
PERSCO sends request to AFCENT/A1P (SIPR) AFCENT/A1P reviews for accuracy and builds replacement ULN Request is forwarded to AFPC/DPW (SWA) via SIPR SWA forwards to FAM AFCENT/A1P forwards to AFCENT/AEF Movement Team Shaw for redeployment transportation
PERSCO sends request to AFPC/DPW (SWA) and Cc’s AFCENT/A1P via SIPR SWA forwards to Scheduler for SA AFCENT/A1P forwards to AFCENT/AEF Movement Team Shaw for redeployment transportation
Early Release w/ Replacement and Early Reporting
IAW Early Release and Replacement Policy and Early/Delayed Reporting Policy Downrange commander may request to have replacement report early to cover gap in-between incumbent leaving and replacement arriving once replacement has been identified Downrange location initiates Early Reporting request via PERSCO Must have downrange and home station CC’s signature Early Reporting request is used to procure travel (RDD and ETL may be adjusted for transportation purposes)
Administrative Hold For any extension that meets the requirements of administrative hold as defined in AFI process an administrative hold letter through respective PERSCO team. PERSCOs will forward Admin Hold letters to AFCENT/A1P upon completion of deployed CC’s and Legal’s signature Once received A1P will then update the ETL to reflect the amount of extra days member is being held After hold is complete, PERSCO will send a letter back releasing the member from Admin hold and A1P will again update the ETL accordingly.
Waivers PERSCO/IPRs will refer to AFI Chapter 10 para ; If the TPFDD Line-level Detail/DRMD waiver has not been received within 5 duty days of submission (3 days for requirements within 30 days of first movement), the tasked unit/wing/MAJCOM is authorized to complete the RPT process. IPRs will forward the request to PERSCO with Group CC approval on the E-memorandum PERSCOs forward to Group CC at deployed location for approval/disapproval. Please have readiness cells refer to AFI for current guidance.
CONSIDERATIONS All requests MUST be submitted to AFCENT/A1P via SIPR ONLY Send one request per How to process request (location specific): Print, get signatures, and scan into SIPR as a word document Type as SIPR and forward If background is on NIPR , save as MS Word and transfer to SIPR as an attachment. Verify that attachments can be opened in SIPR prior to sending If scanning or transferring is not an option, PERSCO team chief can certify approval rank/names and dates of requests Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
SUMMARY Extensions Delayed and Early Reporting Requests
Early Release w/ or w/o Replacement Administrative Hold Waivers considerations Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average
Introduction – I’ll talk to you about the whole process, from wing level experience to HQ, to A1. Reason is, deployed as an A1 staff is syaing that, so you need to have an idea of the whole process in order to survive and assist you forward deployed MO staff that you are there to support. So if the information begins to jump back and forth, stop me and ask! Course is set up in 5 blocks – Manpower 101 – Predeployment – Execution – Substainment – Redployment Readiness now part of 7 level uprade There are 26 task in our Process Oriented Description for the manpower standard If you are not trained – ask for it – most is not unit funded What are the chances of you going? – Last track there were 11 manpower rational slots – add the fact that the new manpower standard and merger has been implemented – chances are probably better then average QUESTIONS?
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