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Quantum Numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum Numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum Numbers

2 What are quantum numbers
quantum numbers-numbers used to describe a specific electron in an atom. Like an address for an e- there are 4 quantum numbers n- principle l- sublevel ml-orbital (position) ms-spin

3 Determining n n is which energy level the electron is in.
It can be 1-7 1 s __ 2 s __ p __ __ __ 3 s __ p __ __ __ d __ __ __ __ __ these numbers

4 Determining l l is the subshell
which type of orbital the electron is in. s=0 p=1 d=2 f=3

5 Determining ml Orbital which line is the electron on? s 0 p -1 0 1

6 Determining ms which direction is the electron spinning?
If the arrow is pointing up it is +½ If the arrow is pointing down it is -½

7 Example n = 2 l = 1 ml = -1 ms = -½ 1 s __ 2 s __ p __ __ __
this down arrow in Na 1 s __ 2 s __ p __ __ __ 3 s __ p __ __ __ d __ __ __ __ __

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