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Pupil response – overwhelmingly positive!

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1 Pupil response – overwhelmingly positive!
Increasing higher-level thinking in lessons using a flipped learning approach - Gary Whitton I wanted to find out if I could effectively move part of the lesson outside of the classroom – the part where pupils take on new concepts, thus freeing up more time in lessons to focus on synthesis/evaluation of ideas 32 subscribers (inc. SEN pupils) What did I do? I created a YouTube channel, and uploaded videos of myself attempting the year 11 mock exam, so pupils could review their mock exam at home. I uploaded more videos of myself talking through (and making notes) on sections of the GCSE course 26 videos uploaded so far. 770 views so far Implications and future uses. I am convinced that videos have uses across whole school providing continuity/catch-up for absent pupils (PP?) Allowing pupils to work at their own pace/level homework that is useful /easily marked (check that notes exist) making time in lessons for thinking/assessment of concepts Providing a complete set of revision notes, without the need for revision sessions before exams Pupil response – overwhelmingly positive! In questionnaires, ALL pupils felt that this was a good way to learn and to revise. They also offered tips on how to improve the videos, although their ideas varied wildly and I decided to keep the video quite stark, not showing my face and I did not add a music ‘bed’ as many pupils suggested. I did agree to use more colour and brighten the tone of my voice - “Hi everyone!!” I decided to block comments after some mystery trolling. myself or Paul Slatford for the mechanics of how to do it.

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