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Childhood By Alice Walker Clara, Mindy, Sonia, Wenxiang.

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Presentation on theme: "Childhood By Alice Walker Clara, Mindy, Sonia, Wenxiang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Childhood By Alice Walker Clara, Mindy, Sonia, Wenxiang

2 Contents 1 Summary 2 Aspect 3 Interpretation 4 Response

3 Childhood 1 summary The author: Alice Walker
1 summary Childhood The author: Alice Walker The author tells about her enjoyable experiences with nature that she wants to share with her daughter.

4 Alice Walker 1 summary Early life
1 Alice Walker summary Early life Born on Feburary 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia Walker was accidentally injured by BB gun shot to her eye by her brother. Occupation Novelist, political activist Notable awards Pulizer prize for Fiction 1983 National Book Award 1983 Notable works The purple color

5 2 Aspect Diction “In the morning, just before packing the car for the ride to the city, I harvested an abundance of Chardonnay grapes, greenish silver and refreshingly sweet,...and half a dozen late-summer peaches” (224). “Too incredible to be believed” (225).

6 2 Tone Aspect “I had bought some green peas from the roadside stand a few miles from my house … Tasting the corn, however, I discovered it had, as I’d feared, given up its sweetness and turned into starch” (223). “Using the shovel to scrape the dirt, I began to reveal, very slowly and carefully, the golden and purple potatoes that rested just beneath the plants” (224).

7 Magic of nature 3 Interpretation
3 Interpretation “The experience I had had digging up potatoes, before turning them into half of a delicious meal, was one I wanted my daughter to know”(223). "it's just like finding gold" (224).

8 Experience 3 Interpretation
3 Experience Interpretation “she was lifted up by her father or older brother, very large and dark and shining men, and encouraged to pick red plums off a heavily bearing tree”(224).

9 4 Response City vs Country

10 Thank you for listening!
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