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Jan. 29, 2008 substorm event ( UT) Waves/particles

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1 Jan. 29, 2008 substorm event (0200-0350 UT) Waves/particles
O. Le Contel(1), A. Roux (1), P. Robert(1), C. Jacquey(2), M. Berthomier(1), T. Chust(1), B. Grison(1), V. Génot(2), J.-A. Sauvaud(2), P. Louarn(2), G. Fruit(2), B. Lavraud(2), V. Angelopoulos(3), D. Sibeck(4),C. Chaston(5), C. Cully(6), R. Ergun(6), J. Bonnell(5), J. Mc Fadden(5), K.-H. Glassmeier(7), U. Auster(7), C. Carlson(5), D. Larson(5), S. Mende(5), H. Frey(5), C. T. Russell(3), E. Donovan(8), I. Mann(9), H. Singer(10) (1) CETP, CNRS/UVSQ/UPMC, France (2) CESR, CNRS, France (3) IGPP, UCLA, USA (4) GSFC, NASA, USA (5) SSL, UCB, USA, (6) LASP, CU, USA (7) TUBS, Germany (8) University of Calgary, Canada (9) University of Alberta, Canada (10) NOAA/SEC, Colorado, USA

2 Locations in GSM UT

3 4 3 2 1 Overview in GSM 4 dipolarisations:
N°3 (Main substorm) observed first on Thd considering the start of the increase of the energetic ion pressure (cf. C. Jacquey): 0222 UT UT UT (Main substorm) UT Vx > 0 Earthward flow in average Vy < 0 in some cases … Signatures on ion density on Thb and Thc can be observed before near-earth dipolarisation 4 3 2 1

4 Thc in the mid tail Thc, X~ - 20 RE, 0200-3300 UT  Filter banks data
Small magnetic activity and electric activity in the mid-tail related to 1, 2 No electromagnetic activity for the main substorm (event 3) and event 4.  Density variations suggest vertical motions or/and thickness variations of the current sheet Ion velocity variations notably changes of sign have to be analysed from distribution functions: - beam like structures at high and low energy - Boundary motion PS  Lobe

5 Thd near-earth s/c Thd, X~ - 10 RE, 0200-3300 UT  Filter banks data
Strong magnetic and electric activity around 3 Hz, 12 Hz, 48 Hz The electromagnetic activity starts after the start of the increase of the energetic ion pressure  local activity associated with the local dipolarisation  Accelerated electrons

6 during dipolarisation Accelerated electrons
Zoom Thd, X ~ - 10 RE : UT Thd Electromagnetic and electrostatic emissions in the range 3Hz-12 Hz during dipolarisation Accelerated electrons

7 Thd, particle burst : 0216-0235 UT
Dipolarisation Vx,i,e > 0 Earthward Vy,i < 0 Vy,e << 0 Jy > 0 and  e- heating Whistler emissions?

8 Emissions during and after the local dipolarisation
Thd, particle burst : UT Whistler emissions: Right-hand circularly Polarised Degree of polarisation ~ 1 Angle of propagation ~ 0 Ellipticity ~ + 1 Helicity ~1 Emissions during and after the local dipolarisation

9 Emissions before and during the local dipolarisation
The, particle burst : UT Whistler emissions: Right-hand circularly Polarised Degree of polarisation ~ 1 Angle of propagation ~ 0 Ellipticity ~ + 1 Helicity ~1 Emissions before and during the local dipolarisation Début dipolarisation sur Thd

10 Bz e- Ne E.B0 = 0 assumed Ve E and B low-pass Filtered below 10 Hz
The data in GSM UT Bz Preliminary calculations Of the Poynting vector e- Ne E.B0 = 0 assumed E and B low-pass Filtered below 10 Hz S = (ExB)/mu0 Sz > 0  S|| >0 Away from the equator Source very localized Ve Te E B S S_mfa

11 E ~ 0.3 mV/m B ~ 0.2 nT E/B ~ 1500 km/s S ~ 5.e-8 -1.e-7 W/m2
Zoom UT E ~ 0.3 mV/m B ~ 0.2 nT E/B ~ 1500 km/s S ~ 5.e-8 -1.e-7 W/m2 Fce ~ 424 Hz (15 nT) Fci ~ 0.23 Hz k||2c2/2 = 2pe/(ce) (Helliwell, 1965) Or /(k ||vA) ~ (/ci)1/2 ~ 10-14 For f ~ Hz VA ~ 375 km/s (n0~1. p/cm3)

12 The data ESA e- data

13 STAFF-SC (burst mode, 450 s/s)
August 17, 2003 event (Le Contel et al., ICS8) (1654 – 1703 UT) STAFF-SC (burst mode, 450 s/s) Wave Polarisation Hz  Waves between 40 Hz to 180 Hz have a right-hand circular polarization (excentricity ~0 blue color)  With a wave vector parallel to B ( ~0, blue color) Whistler waves ci<  < ce (li>l>le) (fce ~ 400 Hz and fci ~ 0.2 Hz for Bo ~ 15 nT) k||2c2/2 = 2pe/(ce) (Helliwell, 1965) Or /(k ||vA) ~ (/ci)1/2 ~ 14

14  propagation within the current structure
August 17, 2003 event (Le Contel et al., ICS8) Bx Small scale current structure : Observed close to equator |Bx| ~ 5 nT Large By values ~ -25 to -30 nT (1s) Almost same Bx, Bz for all s/c But different By  Parallel current of electron scale < 200km Observations of whistler waves f~ Hz: • Large Bz(t) oscillations ~ +- 1 nT • Large Ey(t) ~ +- 2 mV/m  E ()/ B ()  km/s ~ 10VA On C1, C2 and C3 but not on C4  propagation within the current structure See also Stenberg et al., AG, 2005 about Whistler emissions close to the magnetopause And Zhang et al., JGR, 1999 (magnetotail) By Bz B Bz Hz Ey Hz Vx,i,e Vy,i,e Jx,i,e Jy,i,e 165730 1657

15 Small or no electromagnetic or electrostatic activity
Summary/questions Small or no electromagnetic or electrostatic activity detected by mid-tail s/c Strong electromagnetic activity on near-earth s/c Whistler emissions before, during and after the local dipolarisation Poynting vector directed away from equator and earthward  not so far from the source which has to be very localized Role of these whistler emissions in the substorm onset? Can we use these emissions to track the onset region? Relation of these emissions with ground-based observations To be continued

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