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Background characterization: MD plan

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1 Background characterization: MD plan
W. Kozanecki MD goals Background sources Operational procedures Open questions

2 MD goals Main goal: characterize beam-current dependence of
machine-induced backgrounds all BaBar ‘detectors’: SVT, DCH, EMC, DIRC, IFR + TRG, ODF dedicated background monitors (pins, CsI counters, collim. BLMs) beam-beam performance specific luminosity vertical & horizontal spot sizes in LER & HER loss collimators in PR12 (HER), PR04 + PR02 (LER) Parasitically: measure thermally-induced motion of IR components using a ‘witness’ bunch in HER (1mA, feedbacks off) when varying LER current, & vv take advantage of slow ‘current staircase’ to measure thermal time constants note this only measures the effect on the OTHER beam (e.g. LER  HER)

3 Background sources Luminosity (radiative-Bhabha debris) – major concern (DCH future) BP ~ dP * L (strictly linear with L) Beam-beam tails from LER tails: BL, bb ~ bL,bb*IL fL(xL,H +/-) from HER tails: BH, bb ~ bH,bb*IH + fH(xL,H +/-) Beam-gas (bremsstrahlung + Coulomb) HEB only: BHbg ~ aH*IH + bH*IH2 (aH , bH > 0) LEB only: BLbg ~ aL*IL + bL*IL2 (aL , bL > 0) beam-gas cross term: BLHbg ~ cLH * IL * IH (LEB+HEB, out of collision) BI: LER injection (trickle) background BLT (exp. signature somewhat similar to bremsstrahlung)

4 Proposed operational procedure: colliding beam measurements (1)

5 Proposed operational procedure: general guidelines
BaBar taking data! Perturb as adiabatically as possible start with stable machine in delivery mode avoid acrobatics (collisions  pedestals  single-beam  non-colliding  pedestals) LER Touscheck background a separate, dedicated MD At each current setting optimize tunes on luminosity (in collision, coasting so lifetime reasonable) on lifetime (single beam, for beam-gas measurement) reset vertical IP angles in both rings check SLM & interferometer settings start a new run (also at trickle-coasting transition) Pedestal runs 1.5 mA in each ring, non-collidng Reproducibilty: if beam(s) lost, redo last setting

6 Proposed operational procedure: colliding beam measurements (2)
Setup: save configs & orbits; check fbcks; change BBR L1 config. Keep IL ~ constant, vary IH (> 0.30 A, 0.20 A steps) 2 regimes (to help separate Lumi & beam-beam contributions) IL ~ 1.20 A (2/3 of peak LER current, moderate beam-beam) no trickle (LER coasting only) ~ 7’ steps IL ~ 1.85 A (or max. sustainable LER current) to measure trickle contribution differentially, for each HER current setting trickle LER (~ 5’) coast LER (~ 5’) (peak L& H currents: 5’ additional for IFR high-stat data) Keep IH ~ constant, vary IL (> 0.30 A, 0.25 A steps) IH ~ 0.85 A (2/3 of peak HER current, moderate beam-beam) IH ~ 1.35 A (or max. sustainable HER current, assuming 8 stations) no trickle, ~ 7’ /setting Pedestal run 1.5 mA in LER bucket 0, 1.5 mA in HER bucket 3400

7 Proposed operational procedure: “single-beam” measurements
Vary IH : A, 0.20 A steps, “no” LEB no HER bunches in buckets (LFB permitting), 1.5 mA in LER bunch 0 7’ per setting + 5’ at the highest current (IFR) Vary IL : A, 0.25 A steps, “no” HEB no LER bunches in buckets (LFB permitting), 1.5 mA in HER bunch 0 at topmost (or 2 topmost) LER current(s), trickle then coast Reproducibility check on single beam scans (esp. pins) repeat middle & top points of previous two scans (HER, then LER) Non-colliding scan (sparse) Keep IH ~ constant (1.30 A), vary IL (> 0.30 A, 0.5 A steps) Keep IL ~ constant (1.85 A), vary IH (> 0.30 A, 0.4 A steps) Operational aspects Separate beams vertically by 2 * 400 microns (feasibility ?) Patterns: 100 bucket truncation at opposite ends of the two trains (YP!) 7’ per setting Pedestal run

8 Total time estimates (ONLY data taking + BBR on-off): 620’
Setup ’ Collision fixed LER current ’ IL = 1200 mA, vary IH 7 x 10’ IL = 1850 mA , vary IL 7 x 13’ + 5’ Collision fixed HER current ’ IH = mA , vary IL 7 x 10’ IH = 1350 mA , vary IL 7 x 10’ Pedestals ’ HER single-beam scan 7 x 10’ + 5’ ’ LER single-beam scan 7 x 10’ + 2 x 5’ + 5’ 90’ Repeat middle & top points of single-beam scans (H, L) 40’ Non-colliding scans ’ IH = mA , vary IL 4 x 10’ IL = mA , vary IH 4 x 10’

9 To be clarified Likely prerequisites
‘routine’ 8-station running in HER decent stored-beam & trickle backgrounds during preceding owl shift Actual trigger rmix to enhance background fraction & minimize duration: tbd by BaBAr trig expert Run duration/# evts per beam setting: 7’ (coast only) or 7’+5’ (trickle/coast), dominated by pin diode stability Trickle  coast switch Need volunteer(s) to analyze CsI & BLM data!

10 Spare slides

11 Proposed baseline parametrization
B = BP + Bbb + BHbg + BLbg + BLHbg + BLT + BI = a0 (from no-beam data ?) + dP * L (from colliding-beam data) + Bbb (IbL, IbH) (from colliding-beam data) + aH*IH + bH*IH2 (from single-beam HER data) + aL*IL + bL*IL2 (from single-beam LER data) + cLH * IL * IH (from 2-beam, non-colliding ?) + BLT (LER only, vary VRF?) + BI (differential, trickle – coasting ?)

12 DCH 2002

13 TRG 2002

14 EMC 2002

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