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WASH Cluster Coordination Meeting

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1 WASH Cluster Coordination Meeting
20 March 2019, DNAAS Agenda Updates Beira update Zambezia update Manica update Logistics update Strategic Response Plan updated figures WASH strategic plan – draft WASH cluster harmonization 3W – short update from each cluster partner FIPAG systems update AoB


3 WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019
Beira WASH update Cluster focal point: Angelina Xavier, UNICEF – , , Sub-cluster meeting on 19 March COSACA, IFRC/CVM, Baptist Mission, Food for Hungry, DPOPHRH, DNAAS, UNICEF 47 displacement sites (Beira – 37, Dondo – 10) Limited WASH: open defecation, no cleaning materials Diarrhea cases have been reported  Sub-cluster agreed to provide cleaning kits to the sites Government plans to establish 2 large displacement centers Water supply FIPAG is providing water to some sites intermittently, but the quantity limited and running out 2 generators will be mobilized on 20 March (TBC) Other districts Buzi district is totally flooded, only accessible by air 40 people rescued and transferred to Beira on 19 march, drinking water is urgently required for those who rescued because many are dehydrated. WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019 Situation in other districts Buzi district is completely overflooded all people are affected (from the Administrator to community members) The rescue team has rescued over 40 people today and all were brought here in Beira and are accommodated in Hina hina and Casa dos Bicos. For the next rescue operations people will be sent to Guara guara (instead of Beira). Safe water is needed, for people rescued, immediately after their arrival (most of them arrives dehydrated  - as it was the case today). Unfortunately seems that today the coordination among Clusters/sectors didn’t work well (few minutes before rescued people arrival in Beira, WASH cluster was informed about the rescue operation and the need of safe water for them…)

4 Centros transitorios e de acomodacao/familias Fontes de Agua avariadas
Zambezia WASH update (via DPOPHRH) Cluster focal point: Alberto Cumbana, UNICEF – , , Distrito Nr. De Familias Centros transitorios e de acomodacao/familias Fontes de Agua avariadas Nicoadala 637 Centro de acomodacao de de Mitanguirine (540) e Dugudiua (97) 5 Namacurra 517 Centro de acomodacao de maleia (144) e brigodo(373) 4 Mocuba 2000 Centro de acomodacao de Macuvine (1532) e Matebe (468) 2 Maganja da Costa 388 Centro de acomodacao de Moneia (250) e sopa(138) 6 Chinde 145 Centro de acomodacao de Jorge (59) e Matilde(86) Luabo 50 Lugela 42 Centro de acomodacao baixo lugela (42) Morrumbala 201 Centro de acomodacao de Megaza (201) 8 WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

5 WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019
Manica WASH update Cluster focal point: ? Limited information available. WASH partner availability? UNICEF will deploy tomorrow. WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

6 Logistics Update Road access (as of 19 March)

7 WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019
Air operations Beira airport is fully operational Chimoio airport—there will be direct commercial flight to Beira on 20 March Aircraft/helicopter operational in Beira and between Chimoio and Beira (WFP/MAF Int.) Sea ports Port of Maputo—a vessel will be available to transport food and non-food items to Beira Other Electricity in Beira is expected to be non-functional until the end of the month WFP has made 20 pilot-boats available to INGC for inter-agency activities. Currently located in Caia Caia-Beira road is inaccessible at least for another 2 weeks Shortage of the fuel supply is anticipated. WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

8 WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019
OCHA update – SRP/CERT CERF Project Submission have been requested for the prioritized USD 9.89 million, 1.4 million for WASH UNICEF managing funds on behalf of cluster. Flash Appeal Received project documents from CHEMO, JAM, CEDES, ISAAC, UNICEF HRP Revision Preliminary working figure of revised from 600,000 to 2.1 million people affected. WASH Cluster target Using the same assumptions from SRP 2018: % of people affected targeted by WASH cluster - ~ 20.6% USD 35 / person (increased from the SRP figure of $25 to account for increased logistic costs). Using new HRP figure of 2.1 million people: WASH cluster target: 435,000 people, USD million UNICEF target (~33% of cluster target): 145,000 people <> USD 5.1 million (if there is a CERF re-allocation we shall be increasing our budget at least to double the current amount of 1.4 million) WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

9 WASH Strategic Response Draft
OUTCOME: People affected by cyclone Idai and related floods have protected and reliable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and a safe and healthy environment, contributing to reduce the risk of transmission for WASH related diseases. OUTPUTS 1: WASH SECTOR COORDINATION 2: ACCESS TO SAFE WATER OF APPROPRIATE QUANTITY AND QUALITY 3: ACCESS TO APPROPRIATE SANITATION AND HYGIENE FACILITIES, INCLUDING MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE 4: DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON SAFE WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE AND NON-FOOD ITEMS TO PREVENT SPREAD OF WASH RELATED DISEASES WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

10 WASH Cluster Harmonization
Response standards Hygiene/dignity kit standards Volunteer incentive harmonization WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

11 Partner updates WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

12 DNAAS/FIPAG Update WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

13 AOB WASH Cluster Meeting Presentation, Maputo, DNAAS, 20 March 2019

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