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Probing non-standard neutrino physics at T2KK and neutrino factory

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1 Probing non-standard neutrino physics at T2KK and neutrino factory
Hisakazu Minakata Tokyo Metropolitan University

2 Ten years ago! April 15-19, 2008 4th

3 It has occurred 10 years ago …
April 15-19, 2008 4th

4 n oscillation has been clearly seen!
SK K2K April 15-19, 2008 4th MINOS 07 KamLAND 07

5 Exploring the unknowns; 1-3 sector and  mass hierarchy
na=Uai ni Atm + accel n => <= solar + reactor n SK atm April 15-19, 2008 4th solar+KamLAND

6 Next generation experiments
April 15-19, 2008 4th

7 Is it a GOAL ? April 15-19, 2008 4th

8 When we reach to the situation ..
Does it mean the end of neutrino experiments? April 15-19, 2008 4th

9 I argue the answer is NO Neutrinos are proved to be useful probe into physics beyond Standard Model Why should we believe that it is merely an accident? Cosmological neutrinos will soon become machinery of probing nature People suspected several candidates: Non-standard interactions of ’s Quantum decoherence etc… Of course, Majorana nature of  must be demonstrated (or refuted). Also keep in mind the possibility of totally unexpected ! April 15-19, 2008 4th

10 Non-standard interactions (NSI) of 's
If there exists NEW PHYSICS at TeV scale there might be NSI of ’s expressed by higher dimensional operators But coefficient  may be small on dimensional ground, ~order (MW/MNP)2 (MW/MNP)2 = 0.01 (0.001) if MNP = 1 (10) TeV Wolfenstein, Grossman, Berezhiani-Rossi, Davidson et al. … many people April 15-19, 2008 4th

11 Necessity of neutrino factory or some other equivalents
Simple estimate:  ~ 13 ;  superbeam sin2213 =  If we want to explore NSI with coupling times weaker than weak interaction we need neutrino factory or some other equivalents What is the role that can be played by the ongoing & near future  experiments? April 15-19, 2008 4th

12 Current bound by Davidson et al.
Kitazawa-Sugiyama-Yasuda 06 April 15-19, 2008 4th

13 Problems and solutions
April 15-19, 2008 4th

14 Non Standard Interaction (NSI)
It comes in into 3 places, production, propagation, & detection Grossmann, Ota-Sato-Yamashita, Huber et al. … I this talk, I concentrate on effects of NSI in  propagation in matter governed by evolution eq. April 15-19, 2008 4th

15 Exploring NSI with Nufact
There are 2 (serious!) problems: 13 - NSI confusion NSI can mimic effect of nonzero 13 ---> serious problem for 13 measurement 2 phase confusion CPV phase of  can be confused with KM phase  ---> serious problem for  measurement April 15-19, 2008 4th

16 13 - NSI confusion problem
NSI can mimic the effect of 13; NSI - 13 confusion (Huber-Schwetz-Valle 03) Input: sin2213=0.001 Set up: 1021 muons/year, 4+4 years of anti two50 kt iron detectors (Cipriani Ribeiro-HM-Nunokawa-Uchinami-Zukanovich Funchal, Arxiv: =>JHEP07) April 15-19, 2008 4th

17 Feature of13 - NSI confusion depends on which  is turned on
ee - e  - e ee - e  - e April 15-19, 2008 4th

18 Feature of13 - NSI confusion depends on 
=3/2 =/4 April 15-19, 2008 4th

19 Feature of13 - NSI confusion depends on 
sin2213=0.001 sin2213= April 15-19, 2008 4th

20 2 detector setting (3000+7000 km) can solve 13 - NSI confusion
April 15-19, 2008 4th

21 2 detector setting (3000+7000 km) can solve 13 - NSI confusion
sin2213= 0.001 April 15-19, 2008 4th

22 2 detector setting (3000+7000 km) can solve 13 - NSI confusion
sin2213= April 15-19, 2008 4th

23 Neutrino factory 2 detector setting
2 detector setting at km powerful to resolve P degeneracy km ~ magic baseline highly sensitive to matter density change Burguet Castell et al. 01 Huber-Winter 03 HM-Uchinami 06, Gandhi-Winter 06 April 15-19, 2008 4th

24 What about NSI search? April 15-19, 2008 4th

25 Sensitivity to NSI confusion depends very much on channels
ee - e ee - e  - e April 15-19, 2008 4th

26 The behavior is of course expected
April 15-19, 2008 4th

27 Bi-P plot at L=7000 km are similar ! April 15-19, 2008

28 Magic baseline ~ 7000 km For ne-bar: a->-a, d->-d,  Standard case: at magic baseline (aL= the oscillation probability Pe becomes  independent With NSI: phase dependence is  Pe(e) = Pe(e) (c23 e s23 e) April 15-19, 2008 4th

29 2 detector setting powerful for hunting NSI
1021 muons/year, 4+4 years of anti two50 kt iron detectors April 15-19, 2008 4th

30 2 detector setting powerful for hunting NSI
1021 muons/year, 4+4 years of anti two50 kt iron detectors Remarkable synergy between 2 detectors ! April 15-19, 2008 4th

31 2 detector setting powerful for hunting NSI
For e, 7000 km detector is useful only for diagonal NSI resultant sensitivity:ee April 15-19, 2008 4th

32 2 detector setting seems powerful also for resolving 2 phase confusion
2 phase confusion; discrete version April 15-19, 2008 4th

33 2 phase confusion that appeared in discovery reach plot
Indication: 2 phase confusion does not affect discovery reach but confusion unresolved (Kopp-Lindner-Ota 07) April 15-19, 2008 4th

34 Is Nufact the last word? April 15-19, 2008 4th

35 Place where Nufact may not be a champion
sector may not be determined so accurately by Nufact -->sensitivity limited ~0.1 Reason is that matter effect is sub-leading Superbeam experiment at ~ the oscillation maximum is competitive --> Good candidates; T2K II (=4MW+0.54Mt extension of T2K), or T2KK April 15-19, 2008 4th

36 Introducing T2KK April 15-19, 2008 4th

37 T2KK; Tokai-to-Kamioka-Korea two-detector complex
Ishitsuka et al., hep-ph/ Kajita et al., hep-ph/ An improvement over T2K II design with 0.5 Mton detectors in Kamioka and Korea, 4MW beam from J-PARC, years running of  and  -bar modes April 15-19, 2008 4th

38 Sensitive to  and mass hierarchy because energy dependence is far more dynamic at the 2nd oscillation maximum April 15-19, 2008 4th

39 T2KK vs. T2K II Comparison hep-ph/ Total mass of the detectors = Mton fid. mass 4 years neutrino beam + 4 years anti-neutrino beam Mass hierarchy CP violation (sind≠0) 3 s (thick) 2 s (thin) April 15-19, 2008 4th

40 Sensitivity comparison with T2K+Reactor
d=0 assumed T2KK T2K-II + phase II reactor sin2 2q13 T2KK 2s (rough) > 3s 2~3s sin2 2q13 hep-ph/ T2KK has better sensitivity at sin2 2q13 < 0.06~0.07 . April 15-19, 2008 4th sin2 q23

41 NSI ( ) in T2KK 2 flavor approximation => should be good because matter effect subleading bar synergy prominent   Cipriani Ribeiro-Kajita-Ko-HM-Nakayama-Nunokawa, Arxiv: April 15-19, 2008 4th

42 Sensitivity to  at 1, 2, 3 
Kamioka 0.54 Mt Current bound: SK+MACRO (next slide) Korea 0.54 Mt  T2KK;  ~0.3 (2  ~1.2 (2 ~0.04 (2 April 15-19, 2008 4th

43 In which NSP T2KK is better than T2K II?
Quantum decoherence! 1/E case April 15-19, 2008 4th

44 Bound from ongoing experiments
April 15-19, 2008 4th

45 Bound by SK-atm + MACRO  
April 15-19, 2008 Fornengo-Maltoni-Tomas-Valle (updated in 2003) 4th

46 Bound by MINOS #1   Blennow-Ohlsson-Skrotzki 07
April 15-19, 2008 4th Blennow-Ohlsson-Skrotzki 07

47 Bound by MINOS #2 Yasuda 07 April 15-19, 2008 4th

48 superbeam + reactor Kopp et al. 07 e April 15-19, 2008

49 Theory of NSI; current status not very satisfactory
production, detection, propagation are all independent, or relation model dependent One way is to classify ``model dependence’’ Gavera et al. ``unitarity violation’’ approach effective dimension 6 operators consistent with charged lepton constraints? Berezhiani-Rossi 01 April 15-19, 2008 4th

50 Conclusion problem of 13 - NSI confusion can be overcome by 2 detector setting km extreme synergy between 2 detectors Sensitivity high; ee Nufact as a discovery machine for NSI 2 phase confusion was addressed only partly but indication is promising T2KK or T2K II is capable of improving current bound on NSI April 15-19, 2008 4th

51 Supplementary slides April 15-19, 2008 4th

52 NSI sensitivity April 15-19, 2008 4th

53  sensitivities
April 15-19, 2008 4th

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