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Presentation on theme: "Fungi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fungi

2 Fungi General Characteristics
Eukaryote Threadlike bodies (hyphae) Cell walls made of chitin Heterotrophic decomposers or saprobes (absorb nutrients from dead organisms) Classified based on reproductive structures


4 Evolutionary Relationships
Oldest fungi fossil are found between mil years Characteristics suggest that fungi originated from an unknown group of single-celled eukaryotes lacking flagella

5 Phylum/Division Name Common Name Reproduction Examples a. Zygomycota Zygote fungi Sexual - Zygospores Black bread mold (Rhizopus stolonifer) b. Ascomycota Sac Fungi Sexual-spores in asci Cup morels; yeast; Plant disease = Dutch Elm & Chestnut Blight c. Basidiomycota Club Fungi Sexual-Spores on basidia Mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs Pathogens - rusts, smuts d. Deuteromycota e. Chytridiomycota Imperfect fungi Chytrids Sexual – None Sexual-Chytrid spores Causes athlete's foot, ring worm Similar to fungus-like protist

6 Black Bread Mold - Rhizopus


8 Club Fungi

9 Deuteromycota - Imperfect


11 Plant vs Fungi Similarities Differences Both are anchored in the soil
Both have cell walls Differences Fungi have NO true roots, stems, or leaves Fungi are heterotrophs; NO photosynthesis

12 Fungi Feeding Relationships
Saprobes or decomposers (mushroom) Parasites (athlete's foot) Mutualists (lichen)

13 Mushrooms Mushroom = sexual reproductive structure
Formed from buttons just under the soil that absorb lots of water = “overnight appearance” Fairy rings - mushrooms spores fall to the ground in a circular pattern


15 Fungi & Ecology BOTH (monera) and fungi are major decomposers
Mycorrhizae: Mutualism between a fungus and plant roots; plants gets increased nutrients & fungi gets carbohydrates (food)


17 NOTE: Lots of lichen = little air pollution
FUNGI & ECOLOGY (CONT) Lichen: Mutualism between fungus & algae or cyanobacteria; fungus gets carbs (food) & partner gets nutrients & protection NOTE: Lots of lichen = little air pollution Lichen converts rock into soil = pioneering species


19 Benefits to Humans Food (truffles, mushrooms, baking; making cheese and wine, soy sauce) Medicine (penicillin; cortisol) Genetic engineering = yeast used to make Hep B Vaccine Alternative fuels = yeast makes gasohol Pesticides

20 Problems to Humans Poisonous
Edible and poisonous mushrooms may look exactly alike Parasitic fungi cause plant diseases (Chestnut Blight, Dutch Elm) Athletes foot & vaginal yeast infection Saprobic fungi cause: - food spoilage

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