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Marine Strategy Framework Directive Status of reporting

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1 Marine Strategy Framework Directive Status of reporting
Art. 8/9/10 (Initial assessment): Progress with Art. 12 assessment Art 11 (Monitoring): Progress with Reporting Sheet design -> Streamlining Art 13 (PoM): Work to be done European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit

2 Initial assessment: Progress with Art
Initial assessment: Progress with Art. 12 assessment MS notification: October 2012

3 Art. 8 (initial assessment) Art. 9 (determination of GES) Art
Art. 8 (initial assessment) Art. 9 (determination of GES) Art. 10 (targets) Reporting elements: Paper reports Electronic reports (reporting sheets) Priority fields (7 xml files) Non-priority fields (7 xml files updated) Geographic data (2 shapefiles)

4 Assessment, GES, targets – reports received (Art. 8, 9, 10)
Status at 7 Oct. 2013 Member State 'Paper' reports Electronic reports Art. 8, 9, 10 Art. 8, 9, 10 (7 xml files) Spatial data (2 files) BE Belgium BG Bulgaria HR Croatia CY Cyprus DK Denmark EE Estonia FR France FI Finland DE Germany EL Greece IE Ireland IT Italy LV Latvia LT Lithuania MT Malta NL Netherlands PL Poland PT Portugal RO Romania SI Slovenia ES Spain SE Sweden UK United Kingdom Report received Report part received Report not received 4

5 Art. 12 progress in 2013 Questionnaire template and criteria for assessment developed Reports/sheets from 20 MS on art 8, 9 &10 received per 30th April are assessed Assessment results in consultant report per MS (in English) Assessment results in consultant report per region Now: COM Finalizing the art 12 report

6 Deliverables COM drafts Communication (12 page doc to be translated) with main conclusions, recommendations and proposed way forward Commission Staff Working Document with more detailed analysis per article/descriptor/region on performance of MS and region Fact Sheet per MS (highlights results) Annexes with Questionnaire template and criteria used

7 DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry
Article 12 time lines Autumn 2013: finalisation of COM Art 12 exercise Interservice consultation in-house COM Last quarter 2013/2014: technical in-depth assessments on selected issues by JRC and "MSFD 2012 Baseline assessment" by EEA Main results at Marine Directors meeting in December Translation and adoption by College early 2014 Communication CSWD available prior to Marine Conference, 3-4 March 2014

8 Monitoring: Progress with Reporting Sheet design MS notification: October 2014

9 Report for Art. 11.3 to Commission Other uses (national, regional)
MSFD (Art. 11) Questions for reporting (MSCG Recommendation) Report to Commission: Summary information Summary information, e.g. for Public consultation Detailed information, e. g. for policy needs and programme development Technical information , e. g. for operational delivery level of detail Reducing Report for Art to Commission Other uses (national, regional)

10 A B C Report to COM Available to COM/others MS use
Decent-ralised report – national Report to COM - xml Decent-ralised report – regional Report to COM - xml National information Report to COM - xml National web site ‘fact sheets’ Regional web site ‘fact sheets’ Report to COM – ‘paper’ report Decent-ralised report – national Available to COM/others National web site ‘fact sheets’ National inform-ation National reports National inform-ation National reports National reports MS use

11 Example structure for a Monitoring Programme
D5 - eutrophication Benthos Plankton Oxygen Nutrients Input loads Area-based study Sub-programmes Environment: state/impact Activities and/or measures: pressure reduction Environment:investigative Environment: pressure

12 Item Action By 4 Monitoring Amend RS based on DIKE meeting comments, indicative list of sub-programmes COM by 11 Oct Update web forms Atkins by 18 Oct Testing web forms DE, ES, FR, IT, RO, SE, UK from 21 Oct to 15 Nov Feedback on use of web forms, esp. how to define a sub-programme and other issues needing guidance MS by 15 Nov Finalise paper on RS for MSCG COM by 5 Nov Adopt RS, subject to finalising guidance and tools (web-forms, schemas) MSCG Nov Draft guidance and decentralised reporting paper MRAG + COM by 29 Nov Finalise RS and web forms COM/Atkins by 31 Dec Consultation on guidance; decentralised reporting MS by 20 Dec Finalise reporting package DIKE DG 17 Jan 2014 tbc RS and guidance - adoption MSCG 11 Feb 2014

13 Towards integrated, streamlined and harmonised data and information on the marine environment

14 International Conventions
Policy integration MSFD WFD International Conventions

15 Integrated reporting , e.g. eutrophication
Topic MSFD WFD Nitrates HELCOM OSPAR BarCon BlackSC EIONET Objective GEnS D5 GEcS No eutro Pressure input N P Pressure output Impacts Birds/ mammals/fish Water column Seabed Status Targets Measures Scope for streamlining & harmonisation (with regional specificities) Information system framework Common parameters/topics for assessment

16 Programme of measures Work to be done MS notification: March 2016

17 Programme of Measures under MSFD
Establishment of programme of measures to achieve/maintain good environmental status (13.1) by 2015, at the latest Reference to existing measures in WFD, UWWD, BWD and EQS Directive (13.2) Sustainable development, socio-economic impacts, cost-effective and technical feasible, impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis (13.3) MPAs - only specific measures mentioned (13.4/13.5) Notification / Reporting with three months (13.9)

18 PoM work under CIS WG GES & ESA (common workshop in June 2013)
-> Produce a "concept paper" / Recommendation dealing with: Elaborate Key Messages coming from the workshop Develop a "table approach" per descriptor to identify where existing policies apply Develop an overall "mixed" approach to engage with others policies (EU, IMO…) -> Objective being to have a draft doc ready to be circulated begin of October to be further discussed at; WG ESA : 15/16 Oct WG GES : 21/22 Oct And then at MSCG : 12/13 Nov

19 Outline of the proposed PoM Recommendation
Introduction Requirements of the Directive Recommendations / Key messages Costs, benefits and governance of the programmes of measures RSC on-going work Reporting Knowledge exchange and other practical issues Annex 1: Descriptors approach aiming to identify per Descriptors which measures are already covered by other legislation Annex 2: Legislative / Funding mixed approach aiming at identifying measures in other policies which are pertinent for MSFD but not listing them extensively in PoM. This would help for the identification of the good governance level of the overall PoM together with the relevant funding mechanism which may be used. To be supported by a EC service request contract (see PCG discussion) Annex 3: Analysis of needs from reporting on MSFD PoM programmes: key questions

20 'Generic' type of measures
Parallel with WFD MSFD requirements Reporting under WFD Reporting under MSFD Measures under existing EU legislation compulsory basic measures Article 11(3)a Integration in PoM MS were asked to indicate whether the measures were implemented and to give comments or explanations, in particular if they had not been (fully) implemented - reference to other EU reporting sheet Measure(s) foreseen by the Directive compulsory basic measures Article 11(3)b WFD MPA: Coherent and representative network MS were required to indicate whether the type of measure was in place in the RBD, provide a reference, briefly describe the measure and provide any additional comments or an explanation if the measure had not been put in place - See MEG for Coherence and representativeness - need to define level of detail for the measures related to MPA …. New / Marine measures supplementary and additional measures of WFD Articles 11(4) and 11(5) 1) CEA / technically feasible 2) Impact Assessment (CBA) key Type of Measures: by identifying which pressures required supplementary measures and then by linking those pressures to supplementary measures that are coded - first categorization per descriptor need for a typology based on pressures ? …?

21 ESA / DG ENV with support of GES
Action Who When Elaborate first draft of PoM Recommendation and ask for a mandate to MSCG ESA / DG ENV with support of GES 12-13 Nov 2013 Ad Hoc working group / drafting group to work on PoM Recommendation (main chapter, Annex 1 , Annex 2 partially) ESA / GES volunteers Mid Nov 13 -> End January 14 Discussion during MSCG MSCG 11 Feb 2014 Develop the Annex 3 related to reporting and discuss at DIKE WG DG ENV 25-26 Feb 2014 Further work on Reporting sheet / decentralised approach with the support of a specific technical group… DIKE / DG ENV To be finalised for summer 2014

22 DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry
Thank you for your attention!

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