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Modularization and Customization Environment (MaCE)

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Presentation on theme: "Modularization and Customization Environment (MaCE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modularization and Customization Environment (MaCE)
Jiyong Park Real-Time Operating Systems Lab, Seoul National University, Korea

2 Summary Current progress Architecture Key algorithms Known problems
data structure weave algorithm modularize algorithm Known problems

3 Current Progress Research Implementation Adaptation
customization functionality modularization functionality user interface (shell-like) plug-in module for Java plug-in module for C/C++ user interface (as eclipse plug-in) test Adaptation converting legacy OS to make it compatible with MaCE about 80 %

4 MaCE Architecture (1/3) MaCE user user interface kernel C Java Make
file plug-in modules control flow data flow image file compiler feature repository customized view

5 MaCE Architecture (2/3) feature repository feature_X feature_Y
feature_Z main.c main.c main.c sub.c func.c readme MaCE weave modularize management customized view main.c sub.c readme user

6 MaCE Architecture (3/3) Kernel Plug-in modules User interface
manages features and artifacts weave/modularize language independent Plug-in modules language dependent parsing/printout User interface interface to the kernel

7 Feature Repository (1/2)
myProg main sub opt feature repository feature artifact feature descriptor artifact descriptor

8 Feature Repository (2/2)
a directory that contains all features of a software system Feature a sub directory that contains all artifacts for a specific feature of a system a feature can be activated/deactivated by users feature descriptor file: contains meta-data about a feature Artifact a file inside a feature artifact descriptor file: contains major/minor numbers of each language elements (method, class, code fragment, ...)

9 Customized View Customized view Weaved artifact
a directory that represents a customized software system Weaved artifact a file that is generated by weaving artifacts in activated features developer edits weaved artifact by using his/her favorite editors

10 How to Use MaCE af <feature> : add a new feature.
lf : list features. sf <feature> : show details of a feature. setdesc <feature> : set description for a feature. aa <feature> <artifact> : add an artifact to a feature. da <feature> <artifact> : delete an artifact from a feature. la <feature> : list artifacts in a feature. df <feature> : deletes a feature. ga <artifact> : get an artifact. u <feature> <artifact> : update an artifact.

11 Adding a Feature mace> af base mace> af sub mace> lf base sub
two features named base and sub are added mace> lf base sub mace> la base lists artifacts in a base feature. The result is none, since we did not add any artifact.

12 Adding an Artifact into a Feature
mace> aa base adds an artifact named into base feature mace> la base is added. base sub

13 Get an Artifact to Customized View
mace> ga weave into customized view. From now, developers can edit the Empty file is created. base sub weave

14 Program an Artifact Use favorite editor to modify the
public class A extends B { int a; int b; void func() { double x; double xxxx; double z; }

15 Modularize the Modification into a Feature Repository
mace> u base updates the modification to the in the base feature The user is working on the base feature The user is editing in customized view in base public class A extends B { int a; int b; void func() { double x; double xxxx; double z; } public class A extends B { int a; int b; void func() { double x; double xxxx; double z; }

16 Modularize More mace> aa sub mace> ga
adds to sub feature Again, edit public class A extends B { int a; int b; int c; public void func() { double x; double xxxx; double yyyyy; double z; } int func2() { } public class A extends B { int a; int b; void func() { double x; double xxxx; double z; } edits

17 in customized view
Modularize More mace> u sub updates the recent modification to the in sub feature. in customized view in sub public class A extends B { int a; int b; int c; public void func() { double x; double xxxx; double yyyyy; double z; } int func2() { } class A { int c; public void func() { double yyyyy; } int func2() { } modularizes

18 Result of Modularization in base in sub public class A extends B { int a; int b; void func() { double x; double xxxx; double z; } class A { int c; public void func() { double yyyyy; } int func2() { }

19 Data Structure (1/2) FeatureRepository Feature Artifact rootDir name
reference subDir name: d.c A B name ref. C D E c.cpp d.c e.html artifact descriptor feature descriptor

20 Data Structure (2/2) An abstract class Artifact represents a parse tree of a source file Each language elements (class, method, ...) are represented as abstract class LanguageStructure This class is extended by plug-in module Artifact JavaArtifact extends * LanguageStructure * predefined class for representing a node with no child extends Class Method .... Field LanguageStructureLeaf

21 JavaArtifact Extended classes package imports types LanguageStructureLeaf Class Class Class name: String modifiers superclass interfaces fields methods Field Method Field Method Field name: String Method name: String arguments: String[] modifiers type modifiers type codes initializer

22 Parent-Child Relationship
Children are grouped Each group has a type that describes relationship among its elements and parent method code fragments public static int mymethod() { ..... } modifiers return type Child node Child node Child node Child node Child node order UNORDERED SINGLE ORDERED

23 Key Algorithms

24 main.c in customized view
Weaving a process of merging parse tree of each artifact that has the same name main.c from feature_X main.c from feature_Y weave main.c in customized view

25 Weaving There are three kinds of weaving depending on the type of a children group SINGLE only one child is permitted, a child with largest minor number wins UNORDERED different children: order among them are not guaranteed same children: a child with largest minor number wins ORDERED different children: order among them are determined by major number

26 Weaving – Case 1: SINGLE There are three kinds of weaving depending on the type of a children group Case 1: SINGLE – child with larger minor number wins weave Parent 1 Parent 2 Weaved parent Child 1 hash = h1 major = m1 minor = n1 Child 2 hash = h2 major = m2 minor = n2 Child 1 hash = h1 major = m1 minor = n1 abs(n1) > abs(n2)

27 Weaving – Case 2: UNORDERED
When two children are the same, child with larger minor number wins. weave Parent 1 Parent 2 Weaved parent Child 1 hash = h1 major = m1 minor = n1 Child 2 hash = h2 major = m2 minor = n2 Child 2 hash = h2 major = m2 minor = n2 .... .... .... .... .... .... h1 == h2 abs(n1) < abs(n2)

28 Weaving – Case 2: UNORDERED
Order between different children are not guaranteed weave Parent 1 Parent 2 Weaved parent Child 1 hash = h1 major = m1 minor = n1 Child 2 hash = h2 major = m2 minor = n2 Child 2 hash = h2 major = m2 minor = n2 Child 1 hash = h1 major = m1 minor = n1 .... .... .... .... .... .... order between child 1 and child 2 are not deterministic h1 != h2

29 Weaving – Case 3: ORDERED
Order between different children are determined by their major number weave Parent 1 Parent 2 Weaved parent Child 1 hash = h1 major = m1 minor = n1 Child 2 hash = h2 major = m2 minor = n2 Child 2 hash = h2 major = m2 minor = n2 Child 1 hash = h1 major = m1 minor = n1 .... .... .... .... .... .... Child 2 is placed before Child 1. m1 > m2

30 Weaving major and minor numbers are recorded in the artifact descriptor file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <artifact name=""> <CF group="2" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash=" "> <CF group="0" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash=" " /> <CF group="1" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash="66" /> <CF group="3" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash="97"> <CF group="1" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash="104431" /> </CF> <CF group="3" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash="98"> <CF group="3" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash=" "> <CF group="1" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash=" " /> <CF group="3" majorNumber="1" minorNumber="1" hash=" " /> <CF group="3" majorNumber="2" minorNumber="1" hash=" " /> <CF group="3" majorNumber="3" minorNumber="1" hash=" " /> <CF group="3" majorNumber="4" minorNumber="-4" hash=" " /> </artifact>

31 Modularize Reverse process of weave working on feature_Y feature_X
feature_Z feature_X feature_Y feature_Z main.c main.c main.c main.c main.c main.c Weave Modularize main.c main.c main.c

32 Known Problems (1/2) Impossible to support independent development of features add a new feature “yours” feature “base” 1 2 3 printf(“hello”); printf(“your”); printf(“world”); What happens when the two features are used together? printf(“hello”); printf(“world”); 1 2 Team A Impossible to weave add a new feature “mine” feature “base” 1 2 3 4 printf(“oh!”); printf(“hello”); printf(“my”); printf(“world”); 1 2 printf(“hello”); printf(“world”); Team B

33 Known Problems (2/3) feature “base” feature “yours” Team A 1 3 2
printf(“hello”); printf(“world”); 1 3 printf(“your”); 2 feature “base” feature “mine” printf(“hello”); printf(“world”); 2 4 printf(“oh!”); printf(“my”); 1 3 Team B Neither is correct.

34 What if we activate only “base” and “mine”?
Known Problems (3/3) Deletion an existing code fragment can lead to unexpected situation delete a sentence make it as a part of feature “our” add a sentence make it as a part of feature “mine” feature “base” printf(“hello”); printf(“your”); printf(“world”); printf(“hello”); printf(“my”); printf(“world”); printf(“hello”); printf(“world”); What if we activate only “base” and “mine”? Three cases: printf(“hello”);printf(“your”); printf(“my”); printf(“world”); printf(“hello”); printf(“my”); printf(“yours”); printf(“world”); printf(“hello”); printf(“my”); printf(“world”);

35 Future Work Discuss with Samsung Demo Interim report
Is eclipse plug-in necessary? What are the features that needs to be added? Demo Interim report

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