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9th Grade Final Portfolio Project

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1 9th Grade Final Portfolio Project
Ahmir Rainford Add 3 pictures or words to this slide that describe or show your character traits

2 Anger Management Think about a time when you were in a situation that involved anger. This could be a time when you were personally angry or were with a person who was angry. Answer the following questions to describe the situation. Who was involved? Who was angry? Why was the person angry? Was the anger out of control or in control? How could the situation have been handled differently? Cost Use Transition9-Les7-Anger Management to answer these questions.

3 Career Exploration Using O*Net
List your top 3 O*Net interest areas: 1. 2. 3. Box 1 – Take the O*Net interest profiler: Put the top 3 interest areas in box 1. Box 2 – Use the O*Net website to research 2 careers based on your interest from the profiler. (follow directions in Transition9-Les9-Career Exploration)

4 Career Research Compare 2 careers that relate to your interest areas Career #2_______ Job Duties: Education Required: Job Outlook: Salary: Career #1_______ Job Duties: Education Required: Job Outlook: Salary:

5 Post Secondary Options!
List the 7 post secondary options we discussed in class: 7. If you had to choose your post secondary path today, which would you choose and why? Use Transition9-Les10-Postsecondary Options to complete the slide.

6 Volunteering Why is volunteering important?
from Volunteer Match Why is volunteering important? Use Volunteer Match to find a place to volunteer! Name of the place the volunteering would take place: The cause area: When do they need volunteers: Where are they located: Use Transition9-Les11-Volunteering and to fill out this slide

7 3 things that I want that cost money:
Wants vs. Needs Explain the difference between a need and a want. 3 things that I want that cost money: 3 things that I need that cost money: 2. A house 3. Ice box 1. computer 2. Video games 3. shoes Use Transition9-Les13-Wants-Needs-Social Capital

8 Identify 4 social networks and list 4 people in each group
Social Capital Build your network! Having a network is important, build your network of people you can talk about jobs with! Add your group title here List 4 people that belong to this group Add your group title here List 4 people that belong to this group Use Transition9-Les13-Wants-Needs-Social Capital – YOU MAY NEED TO ADD TEXT BOXES USING THE INSERT TAB Add your group title here List 4 people that belong to this group Add your group title here List 4 people that belong to this group Directions: Identify 4 social networks and list 4 people in each group

9 Transportation What type of transportation do you use now?
Identify 2 types of transportation you will use when in post secondary settings. Do you plan to get your driver's license before graduating high school? Yes I plan on getting my permit on summer break If no, explain why?

10 Long Term Goals Think about each area of transition
Long Term Goals Think about each area of transition. Identify your long term goals for each area. Where do you want to be in 10 years in each area? Education Employment In the NFL playing football Independent Living In florida me and my family Directions: Ask yourself “Where do you see yourself in 10 years in each area?”

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