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Effective Time Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Time Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Time Strategies
Time Management For Business Professionals

2 Small change, big difference
Woman without her man is a savage beast. © Copyright 2005

3 Small change, big difference
Woman, without her, man is a savage beast. © Copyright 2005

4 Efficient vs. Effective
Doing things right. Effective: Doing the right things. © Copyright 2005

5 THE 80/20 RULE High Payoff Activities Low Payoff Activities Good News:
80% of Results come from 20% of Activities High Payoff Activities Bad News: 80% of Activities produce only 20% of Results Low Payoff Activities © Copyright 2005

6 High Payoff Activities
Identify and focus efforts on High Payoff Activities Goal Time/Week Current Your High Payoff Activities 2 hours 0 hours Team Training 5 hours 1 hour Planning & Scheduling _________ ___________________________________ 2 hours 1/2 hour Prepare Presentations © Copyright 2005

7 Low Payoff Activities Simplify, Delegate, Automate, or Eliminate
Plan of Action Current Time/Week Your Low Payoff Activities S____ 12 hours Read & Return s ________ __________ ______________________________________ © Copyright 2005

8 Time Management Matrix
Definition of Urgent Things that have the appearance of demanding our immediate attention. Definition of Important Things that have to do with getting results. These things contribute to our values and goals. © Copyright 2005 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TS:___________________________ HPA #1:_______________________________ HPA #2:_______________________________ HPA#3: _______________________________ Leadership Management Institute TS: __________________________ For more information: 1203 Westmont Drive Southlake TX Dallas/Fort Worth 30 Day Business Goal: 30 Day Personal Goal: (817) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TS:___________________________ HPA #1:_______________________________ HPA #2:_______________________________ HPA#3: _______________________________ Leadership Management Institute TS: __________________________ For more information: 1203 Westmont Drive Southlake TX Dallas/Fort Worth 30 Day Business Goal: 30 Day Personal Goal: (817) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TS:___________________________ HPA #1:_______________________________ HPA #2:_______________________________ HPA#3: _______________________________ Leadership Management Institute TS: __________________________ For more information: 1203 Westmont Drive Southlake TX Dallas/Fort Worth 30 Day Business Goal: 30 Day Personal Goal: (817)

9 Time Management Matrix
URGENT NOT URGENT I M P O R T A N I. REACTIVE Crisis Problems Overdue Tasks Emergencies II. PROACTIVE HPAs Planning Prevention Relationships Recreation (Hobbies, Avocations) III. DECEPTIVE Phone Calls Meetings Interruptions Mail Paperwork IV IRRESPONSIBILITY Pointless TV watching Time Wasters Trivia Busy Work © Copyright 2005

10 Time Management Matrix
Success and Opportunities live in Quadrant 2. Always say “YES” to activities in Quadrant II. Quadrant III are Low Payoff Activities. Learn to say “NO” to activities in Quadrant 3. © Copyright 2005

11 Effective Strategies Manage Priorities
Give high priority to activities that are IMPORTANT but NOT URGENT. Schedule specific time for HIGH Payoff Activities. Remember that PREVENTION keeps IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT items from becoming problems. Relationships are always IMPORTANT, but seldom seem urgent. © Copyright 2005

12 Effective Strategies URGENT BUT NOT MPORTANT (Quadrant III)
Say NO to meetings where you do not have active role. Group or “CLUMP” similar Low Payoff Activities together and accomplish them all at one time. Use the Dr. Pepper Method for handling S and VOIC S. Dr Pepper Method is handling these items at 10, , and 4. © Copyright 2005

Crisis Mode Management Do First Manage Communicate Plan and Set Goals Proactive Management Plan and set goals Communicate goals and plans Schedule your priorities Track and measure your results The key difference between living in “Crisis Mode” and being Proactive is PLANNING first! © Copyright 2005

14 Scattered Numbers © Copyright 2005

15 Scattered Numbers © Copyright 2005

The most important four letter word in planning and goal setting is NEXT. For every minute you spend planning, you can save times that amount in execution! Finding an extra 30 minutes per day is equivalent to finding 22 eight hour days per year. (That equals one month at work!) © Copyright 2005

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