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Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk
Lee Anne Harder | City of Regina | ???? Aman Singh | GHD | PEng, MBA, PMP Akeel Ali | GHD | BEng.Mgt, EIT

2 1 2 3 4 Project Background & Overview Project Approach Implementation
Presentation Outline 1 Project Background & Overview 2 Project Approach 3 Implementation 4 Conclusions Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

3 Project Background & Overview
Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

4 Project Background & Overview
CONDITION DATA & REPORTING Our approach to working with our clients is based on: • Gaining alignment with key corporate strategic goals and objectives for infrastructure management and service delivery. • Building on existing condition assessment practices and initiatives. • Introducing best and leading condition assessment practices. • Constructively engaging City Staff in the development of project deliverables and recommendations. • Transferring knowledge to City Staff so they can continue leading the development of the maintenance program where the consultant has left off. Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

5 Project Background & Overview – CIRC Reporting
Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

6 Project Background & Overview – MBN Reporting
Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

7 Project Approach Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

8 Project Approach – Types of Condition
Physical Condition Demand Condition Functional Condition Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

9 Project Approach – Physical Condition
An asset’s degradation and deterioration in terms of the individual physical elements in the overall assembly. Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

10 Project Approach – Demand Condition
An asset’s capacity to meet the service needs of existing customers and future customers. Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

11 Project Approach – Functional Condition
An asset’s ability to meet the program and service delivery needs in an efficient and effective manner. Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

12 Project Approach – Canadian Infrastructure Report Card Scale
Grade Rating Description A (1) Very Good The infrastructure in the system or network is generally in very good condition, typically new or recently rehabilitated. A few elements show general signs of deterioration that require attention. B (2) Good The infrastructure in the system or network is in good condition; some elements show general signs of deterioration that require attention. A few elements exhibit significant deficiencies. C (3) Fair The infrastructure in the system or network is in fair condition; it shows general signs of deterioration and requires attention. Some elements exhibit significant deficiencies. D (4) Poor The infrastructure in the system or network is in poor condition and mostly below standard, with many elements approaching the end of their service life. A large portion of the system exhibits significant deterioration. F (5) Very Poor The infrastructure in the system or network is in unacceptable condition with widespread signs of advanced deterioration. Many components in the system exhibit signs of imminent failure, which is affecting service Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

13 Project Approach – Examples of Condition Grading Standards
Asset Class Condition Grading Standards Authorities Score range Roads Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ASTM D ASTM D5340 PCI Bridges Bridge Inspection Manual (BIM) Public Works and Government Services Canada BIM 1-6 Facilities Facility Condition Index (FCI) Operating Standards NACUBO, 1990 APPA, 1990 FCI 0-100% Sewers PACP, structural PACP, LACP, and MACP NASSCO PACP MACP 1-5 Parks Accessible Parks & Trails Assessment Toolkit British Columbia  1-5 stars Fleet NAAA Vehicle Condition Scale NAAA, 2016  1 - 5 General Infrastructure report cards IIMM, CIRC, ASCE, 2017 Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

14 Project Approach – Consistency across Asset Classes
Physical condition Score Asset-specific Grading Standard Translation to CIRC Physical Grade Building #16 2.7% FCI – Facility Condition Index 2.1 (Good) Road segment #3284 92 PCI – Pavement Condition Index 0.7 (Very Good) Sewer segment #229 3 PACP – Pipeline Assessment & Certification Program 3.3 (Fair) Bridge #4 1 BIM – Bridge Inspection Manual 0.9 (Very Good) Park #36 Star Rating 3.2 (Fair) IT Server #2 2  N/A (Useful Life) 2.4 (Good) Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

15 Implementation Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

16 Implementation – Physical Condition (Example)
Current Practice Indicator Condition Rating Mapping suggested by City Gas sample readings are collected for the gas collection system. Following color codes are used to assess the condition for valves: Blue: Signifies broken valve on the sample stream Yellow: Signifies valves were buried Red: Needs immediate attention as its open to foreign particles Aged Based Condition using remaining life Very Good 1(A) More than 25 years remaining Good 2(B) 20-25 years remaining Fair 3(C) 15–20 years remaining Poor 4(D) 7-15 years remaining Very Poor 5(F) Less than 7 years remaining Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

17 Implementation – Demand Condition (Example)
Current Practice Indicator Condition Rating Mapping suggested by City Landfill capacity measures and expansion study metrics used to drive decision-making. Airspace utilization factor (AUF) also being tracked for waste. Current Demand (Average Day/Current Capacity) Very Good 1(A) 80% of capacity Good 2(B) 80-90% of capacity Fair 3(C) 90-95% of capacity Poor 4(D) 95-100% of capacity Very Poor 5(F) Equal or over capacity Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

18 Implementation – Functional Condition (Example)
Current Practice Indicator Condition Rating Mapping suggested by City There are regulatory and permit compliance tests that are conducted such as groundwater tests, leaching tests, and landfill inspections. Greenhouse gas emissions have started to be tracked and reported for compliance. Diversion Rate being tracked by group for waste Regulatory Compliance Very Good 1(A) Meets all regulatory compliance/no issues/no orders Good 2(B) No regulatory body involvement but aware of potential issues Fair 3(C) Some issue but working to a resolution Poor 4(D) Warning received from regulatory body Very Poor 5(F) Order received from regulatory body Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

19 Conclusions Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

20 Conclusions Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

21 Questions Bridging the Gap between Asset Performance, Cost of Service and Risk

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