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System Synthesis for Networks of Programmable Blocks

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1 System Synthesis for Networks of Programmable Blocks
Ryan Mannion, Harry Hsieh, Susan Cotterell, Frank Vahid* Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside {rmannion, harry, susanc, * Also with the Center for Embedded Computer Systems at UC Irvine This work is being supported by the National Science Foundation and a Department of Education GAANN Fellowship

2 Introduction Sensor networks are emerging as an important general computing domain Small inexpensive battery-powered sense and compute nodes Tens to thousands of nodes Wired or wireless communication Stringent requirements (power, cost, size) Environmental Monitoring Military Applications Home Automation Medical Monitoring Structure/Building Monitoring

3 Introduction Potential sensor network application developers may not be computer programmers Instead, engineers, scientists, office workers, homeowners, etc. Existing programmable nodes Flexible, but require programming Existing off-the-shelf end applications Specialized, so hard to customize Expensive due to small volumes Our solution – eBlocks Enables non-programming users to create simple but useful customized sensor network applications hard to program Flexible, Photo: Jason Hill Limited configurability - mention “What if we wanted to detect if the garage door was open at night?”, Easy to use, inflexible

4 Network nodes and programs
Talk Outline Brief introduction to eBlocks Synthesis Motivation Methodology Experiments Button 2-Input Logic Inverter 1 Splitter Prolonger LED PROG C Code eBlock capture tool Synthesis Limited configurability - mention “What if we wanted to detect if the garage door was open at night?”, Network nodes and programs

5 Magnetic Contact Switch
eBlocks Overview eBlocks (UC Riverside) Began as low-cost reusable basic building blocks Enables non-programmers to create basic but useful sensor-based applications Function of each block is pre-defined Block types: Sensors – motion, light, contact, etc. Output – led, electric relay, beeper, etc. Compute – logic, prolong, toggle, etc. Basic configuration required (dials, switches) Communicate – wireless point-to-point link Users merely connect blocks to create working customized application Evolving into a “spatial” programming methodology for sensor networks with programmable nodes CODES/ISSS’03, SECON’04, CHI’05, SPOTS’05 Light Sensor Magnetic Contact Switch Motion Sensor Button Splitter 2-Input Logic Toggle Tripper LED Electric Relay Limited configurability - mention “What if we wanted to detect if the garage door was open at night?”, 1 C Code

6 Creating an application with eBlocks
Create an application to detect if the garage door is left open at night We want to detect night – use light sensor Light Sensor Light Sensor LED Need something to indicate garage open at night – use led LED Plug pieces together and the system is done! 2-Input Logic A’B’ 2-Input Logic Configure Logic Block to turn led on when it’s night and when door is open A’B’ Need a function of light sensor output and contact switch output – use Logic Block 2-Input Logic We want to know if garage door open – use contact switch Magnetic Contact Switch Magnetic Contact Switch 1 C Code

7 Building eBlocks Systems
The same basic blocks can be used in a variety of applications Sleepwalker at Night Alarm Tripper Motion Sensor 2-Input Logic A’B Light Sensor Button Beeper 2-Input Logic A’B’ Light Sensor Magnetic Contact Switch LED Garage Door Open At Night Detector Motion on Property Detector Motion Sensor 2-Input Logic A+B Prolonger Beeper Animal Videoing System Motion Sensor 2-Input Logic A+B Prolonger eBlock to Camera Interface Light Sensor 1 C Code

8 Motivation - Programmable Blocks
Programmable blocks are desirable Allows for smaller designs Results in reduced cost and power consumption Limitation - Programmable blocks hard to use by non-programmers (requires “2.5 Ph.D.s” – SECON’04 keynote) Solution – eBlocks capture tool, automated synthesis generates equivalent programs eBlocks limit potential functionality But range is still useful, and accessible to non-programmers Button 2-Input Logic Inverter 1 Splitter Prolonger LED PROG 1 C Code

9 Design Entry/ Simulation
Synthesis Synthesis tool Must map network of pre-defined blocks to programmable blocks Three stages Design entry/simulation Synthesis -- Partitioning Synthesis -- Code generation Design Entry/ Simulation Interpreter GUI Synthesis Partitioning Code Generation 1 C Code

10 Design Entry/Simulation
User specifies and tests block design Java-based simulator Blocks added to workspace by dragging blocks from “Available eBlocks” tray Connections created by drawing lines between blocks User can create, experiment, test and configure design Design Entry/ Simulation Interpreter GUI Synthesis Partitioning Code Generation 1 C Code

11 Synthesis -- Partitioning
Mapping of pre-defined blocks to programmable blocks Problem – map pre-defined blocks to minimum number of programmable blocks Intermediate blocks (non-sensor, non-output) We assume 2-input/2-output programmable block available Partitioning problem differs from existing problems Classic bin-packing or knapsack algorithms But we need to be conscious of two constraints – number of inputs and number of outputs Two-dimensional bin-packing problem (cutting stock problem) But number of inputs and outputs of programmable block are mutually independent FPGA synthesis, namely DAG covering But we do not require all nodes to be covered Our goal is to minimize block count, many focus on minimum-delay solutions or approximations Many solutions permit replications – contrary to our goal of minimizing block count Button 2-Input Logic Inverter 1 Splitter Prolonger LED PROG Design Entry/ Simulation Interpreter GUI Synthesis Partitioning Code Generation 1 C Code

12 Design Entry/ Simulation
Synthesis -- Partitioning Strategies Exhaustive Search every combination of n blocks into n programmable blocks Extremely long run times (hours) Aggregation Clusters nodes into subgraphs, continue adding blocks until unable to fit into programmable block Unable to take advantage of convergence thus yields non-optimal results 1-input / 2-output 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 9 1 2 4 6 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 9 1 2 4 6 2-input / 3-output Invalid configuration - packing terminated 2-input / 2-output 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 9 1 2 4 6 Developed a new heuristic – PareDown Based on a decomposition method Takes advantage of convergence Unconstrained by depth at which heuristic looks ahead Runtime complexity O(n2) Design Entry/ Simulation Interpreter GUI Synthesis Partitioning Code Generation 1 C Code

13 Synthesis -- Code Generation
For each partition a syntax tree is generated to represent equivalent functionality of the partition Able to generate C code for each partition to download unto a programmable block Simulator’s interpreter able to evaluate syntax tree and simulate corresponding behavior Button Splitter LED PROG C Code Design Entry/ Simulation Interpreter GUI Synthesis Partitioning Code Generation 1 C Code

14 Experiments - Real Designs
Executed decomposition and exhaustive search algorithms 2 GHz AMD Athlon XP PC Partitioned 15 real designs, developed independently from our purposes of synthesis Averages for Exhaustive Search Averages for “PareDown” Decomposition Inner Blocks (Original) Design Name Inner Blocks (Total) Inner Blocks (Prog.) Time Block Overhead % Overhead 2 Ignition Illuminator 1 < 1 ms 0 % Night Lamp Controller Entry Gate Detector Carpool Alert 3 Cafeteria Food Alert Podium Timer 2 Any Window Open Alarm Two Button Light 5 Doorbell Extender 1 6 Doorbell Extender 2 9 ms 8 Podium Timer 3 125 ms 10 Noise At Night Detector 4 4.79 s 19 Two-Zone Security System -- Motion on Property Alert 23 Timed Passage 14 Corresponding runtime Notice – unable to partition larger designs (did not finish after hours) Initial # of internal blocks Using exhaustive search, resulting # of internal blocks after partitioning Of the resulting # of internal block, the # that are programmable blocks All designs yield optimal partition Executed in reasonable amount of time Ran decomposition heuristic to obtain # of inner nodes # of programmable nodes runtime

15 Results - Random Designs
Nearly 10,000 randomly-generated designs were also tested Averages for Exhaustive Search Averages for “PareDown” Decomposition Inner Blocks (Original) Number of Designs Inner Blocks (Total) Inner Blocks (Prog.) Time Block Overhead % Overhead 3 1531 1.83 0.81 < 1 ms 1.87 0.79 0.04 2 % 4 982 2.24 1.22 2.33 1.10 0.09 4 % 5 542 2.51 1.52 1.33 ms 2.62 1.32 0.11 6 432 3.08 1.74 6.56 ms 3.36 1.49 0.28 9 % 7 447 3.77 2.00 25.52 ms 4.09 1.73 0.32 8 % 8 350 4.11 2.32 ms 4.56 1.93 0.45 11 % 9 340 4.67 2.60 ms 5.24 2.17 0.57 12 % 10 199 5.04 2.93 4.53 s 5.76 2.45 0.69 14 % 11 170 5.47 3.20 31.77 s 6.29 2.59 0.82 15 % 12 31 4.58 3.23 3.67 min 4.87 2.58 0.29 6 % 13 6.84 3.17 29.93 min 7.83 2.83 0.99 14 1311 -- 8.11 3.05 15 1184 8.67 3.32 20 928 11.09 4.70 25 691 13.93 5.97 1.86 ms 35 354 19.63 8.26 4.82 ms 45 165 25.43 10.62 13.28 ms Randomly generated designs with varying internal block counts Within 15% of optimal (within 1 programmable block for most cases) Maintains reasonable runs times at even at larger sizes Ran exhaustive search to obtain # of inner nodes # of programmable nodes runtime Ran decomposition heuristic to obtain # of inner nodes # of programmable nodes runtime

16 Conclusions and Future Work
Developed synthesis tool that: Converts eBlocks network to minimum number of programmable nodes With accompanying C code Uses new partitioning heuristic that is fast and near-optimal Present/Future Work Variety of programmable blocks Also consider more criteria (i.e. input/output, cost, power, delay) Introduce higher-level eBlocks for more powerful capture Apply tool to real applications Pro-active healthcare (w/ Intel) Agricultural monitoring (w/ Isca) Environment monitoring (w/ UCR/UCLA) Button 2-Input Logic Inverter 1 Splitter Prolonger LED PROG C Code

17 Thank you for your attention.

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