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Parent Orientation 2016-2017 Second Grade Mrs. Menck.

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1 Parent Orientation Second Grade Mrs. Menck

2 FSHISD Belief Statements
We exist to serve the military child. We are a family of lifelong learners who respect and honor individual differences, diversity, and talents. We believe that every teacher is a leader; every leader is a teacher. We inspire our students to their highest level of learning. We, the school community, provide engaging, challenging, and meaningful work for learners. We prepare students to be leaders by instilling character, competence, and creativity.

3 Getting to Know Mrs. Menck
Mrs. Menck’s Professional Information • 24th year in education, 21st year at Fort Sam Houston Elementary • 3 years in Kinder, 4 years in 3rd and 4th grade, 15 years in 5th grade, 2 year in 2nd • B.S. in Multidisciplinary Studies from Texas Tech University • M.S. in Educational Leadership from Texas A&M – Kingsville Getting to Know Mrs. Menck I was born in Germany while my dad was stationed there as a Major in the Army.  His next assignment brought my family to Fort Sam Houston. I graduated from Cole High School and attended Texas Tech University. I'm married to Kenneth Rogers who is in the army and stationed here at Fort Sam.  Together we have a blended family of four children. Mason and Parker are in the 6th grade, Harrison is in 3rd, and Marin is in 1st! I love working with military children and am excited to be in 2nd grade.  I know, first hand, how unique military children are, and work hard every day to make my students' 2nd grade year special!  When I'm not teaching, I'm busy running around with my children, playing golf with my husband, and planning the next family vacation. I'm loving my 24th year in education with your child.

4 Policies and Procedures Office Reminders
Room x-8809 School Numbers The parking lot by the gym is the only pick up and drop off point School must have a note to go home a different way Students may not be sent to the office early to wait Students are tardy after 7:50 and must be signed in by a parent Please refrain from escorting your child to the classroom Pick Up and Drop Off Everyone must sign into the office and receive a visitor’s badge which must be visibly worn A completed and approved background check must be on file in the office before you will be allowed to volunteer at school or chaperone field trips Visitors

5 Grades Types of Grades Conduct Academic
Measures student understanding of academic objectives Shall be based on academic performance only Conduct Related Measures student behaviors Time on task, work completion, organization, refusal to complete work, failure to use strategies, etc. Types of Grades Behaviors will be directly aligned to the conduct grade, not the academic achievement grade Students with chronic concerns will be referred to RTI for behavior concerns Late work is considered conduct related Only one overall conduct grade will be received Conduct

6 Minimum Number of Grades
Reading, writing, and grammar – 12 grades Spelling – 8 spelling test grades English Language Arts A minimum of 10 grades which are equally weighted Math A minimum of 10 grades in each subject which are equally weighted Science and Social Studies

7 Principal’s Grading Plan
Grades are agreed upon by the grade level and aligned with grade level determined grading opportunities All grades will be identified with main ideas that represent the TEKS addressed Grades will be entered in the grade book no later than 3 days following the due date and will carry equal weight Grading Assignments/class work Tests ELA – grammar, reading, spelling, writing Projects (not included in the minimum number of grades and not more than 10%) Teacher assigned grades Categories Additional grades entered at the teacher’s discretion Grades will be excluded for the purpose of identifying students in need of intervention Assignments may be counted again at teacher’s discretion Teacher Assigned Grades

8 Grading Policy Grades Report Cards On-Line Grades
69 or below = F CONDUCT 70-74 = D write ups = E 75-79 = C write ups = S 80-89 = B write ups = N = A write ups = U Grades Go home at the end of each quarter Progress reports go home every three weeks Additional progress reports sent home as needed Sign and return progress reports and report cards Report Cards Check grades on-line Set program to receive an when average drops below a certain percentage On-Line Grades

9 Re-teach Standards All students will receive additional instruction prior to assessments. A new form of assessment or assignment will be used for the re-test. Re-teach and re-test when 50% or more fail – no initial grade will be recorded 50% Failure Re-teach and re-test for a grade up to an 70% for students who failed when less than 50% of class fails assessment. Less than 20% Failure

10 Principal’s Honor Roll
Honor Roll Awards A Honor Roll – 87 and above and an S or E in conduct Principal’s Honor Roll An E in conduct Citizenship

11 Late/Missed Assignments
Penalties and Rewards Student may need to attend afterschool recovery if unable to complete assignments during the school day Student will be assigned recess or lunch detention for assignments that are 3 days late Late/Missed Assignments Students shall be referred to the Response To Intervention process for behavior concerns Recurring concerns will result in the assignment to the afterschool instructional recovery program Chronic Concerns Additional grades for rewards may be entered in the category Teacher Assignments Additional Grades

12 Policies and Procedures
Sign agendas each and every night They will contain behavior, assignments, special events They are our best form of communication Agendas A discipline chart will be used in the room A clipboard chart will be used in specials for discipline issues Notes will be written in agendas if a problem occurs Poor behavior may result in a note, phone call, loss of recess, or an office referral Discipline Sent in the homework pocket each Monday - check the homework schedule in the B.E.E. Binder Must use strategies and work out problems Homework

13 Policies and Procedures
For the prepayment system go to the elementary campus web site Lunch Menus are posted online and I also provided a copy for their HERO binders. Menu

14 Policies and Procedures
Missed work to be graded must be completed in the class setting-parents will be notified Students may complete work during class, at recess, or during Instructional Recovery Parents will be informed if students must miss recess or a special’s class in order to complete their work The number of assignments to make up is at the teacher’s discretion Make Up Work Absent if arriving after 9:30 Tardy if arriving after 7:50 Send excuse note within two days for office approval - all absences are automatically unexcused until a note is approved Attendance Phone x-8809 Agenda Checked each morning for notes Questions

15 Ways to Stay Involved Remind Webpage Parent Portal TxGradebook
Please sign up to receive announcement texts from me!! Remind Please subscribe to my webpage to receive updates! Webpage Sign up for an account to check your child’s grades online. Parent Portal TxGradebook

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