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Particle energization by substorm dipolarizations

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1 Particle energization by substorm dipolarizations
Konstantin Kabin Royal Military College of Canada Eric Donovan, German Kalugin, and Emma Spanswick University of Calgary

2 Introduction Substorm injection “creates” a population of electrons with energies of tens to hundreds of keV during the substorm expansion phase To model the energization process we use a simple magnetotail model with few adjustable parameters, controlling magnetotail thickness and transition from dipole to tail-like fields (Kabin et al. JGR 2011, 2017) We view dipolarization as a tailward retreat of this transition area We also consider electron energization by an earthward propagating EM pulse

3 Example of a dipolarization

4 Particle trajectories
We trace electrons in the calculated dipolarization fields using Guiding Center equations. For equatorial electrons GC simplifies dramatically

5 Electron trajectories

6 Energy gain by electrons

7 Energy gain by electrons

8 Electron density enhancements
Assuming uniform initial distribution of 5 keV electrons

9 Parameters used: E0=87.5 mV/m, V0=125 km/s,
Model of the EM pulse Similar to Li et al 1998, Sarris et al, 2002, Zaharia et al, 2000, Gabrielse et al., 2016, etc, but 3D Parameters used: E0=87.5 mV/m, V0=125 km/s, b=1.5 RE, h=0.7 RE, =0.2 rad

10 Earthward propagating pulse

11 Equatorial electrons: optimizing ti for max energization

12 Equatorial electrons: radial transport and energization
Dependence on the initial position

13 Equatorial electrons: radial transport and energization
Dependence on the initial energy

14 Non-equatorial electrons (pitch angle dependence)
Co-longitude of the mirror points as a function of the equatorial pitch angle

15 Non-Equatorial electrons: radial transport and energization
Dependence on the initial equatorial pitch angle, 10 keV initial energy

16 Non-Equatorial electrons: pitch angle changes
Dependence of the final pitch angle on the initial one

17 Conclusions We considered electron energization by two different processes: a tailward retreat of the near-earth transition region, and by an earthward propagating Electromagnetic impulse In both cases we observed substantial electron energization factors of 10-25 Energization factors are the largest for equatorial electrons and decrease for other initial pitch angles Azimuthal electric field drives electron pitch angles towards 90

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