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Willow Class Newsletter ISABELLE BAVISTER (AGE 9

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1 Willow Class Newsletter ISABELLE BAVISTER (AGE 9
Mathletics- Mathletics has been set for you! Willow Class Newsletter 2nd November 2018 You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yeti by Steven Butler We Love Reading in Year 4- Please read through the first chapter of this wonderful story by Steven Butler either by yourself, with someone at home or with a friend. I’d like you to review it and tell me what you think about it. Below is a review of this book by a 9 year old who LOVED IT! What do you think? I can’t wait to hear your reviews  ‘Loved this book. Made me laugh so many times, so funny. A must read if you want a funny book. ‘ ISABELLE BAVISTER (AGE 9 . Mental Maths (doubling and halving) How quickly can you double and halve these numbers? The red ones are trickier. ,500 Grammar/SPAG Please can you look at these contraction and write me a sentence that contains them.  They’re (they are is CONTRACTED to they’re). I’ll (I will is CONTRACTED to I’ll). We’re (we are is CONTRACTED to we’re). Don’t (Do not is CONTRACTED to don’t). CHALLENGE- Can you think of any more contractions that you could give examples for? Can you round these decimals to the nearest WHOLE number? Can you round these amounts of money to the nearest WHOLE pound? £ £ £ £ £988.30 Spellings – knowledge, purpose, promise, recent, regular, suppose, surprise, through/although, mention, minute. Please can you write a sentence for all of your spelling words so you have the opportunity to apply them as you’re learning them. Reading Comprehension- Poetry Please read through (by yourself or with someone at home) the extract I have attached with this homework. Please discuss the following questions and be prepared to share your ideas on Monday afternoon during guided read.

2 Comprehension- what do you think? Into the street the Piper stept,
Maths Grammar/SPAG Comprehension- what do you think? Q1. Why do you think the Pied Piper was smiling? What was he smiling at? Q2. Why do you think his pipe is being described as quiet? Q3. Why would he have ‘sharp’ eyes? Can eyes be sharp? Q4. What do you think ‘shrill’ means? Use the rest of the sentence to help you. Into the street the Piper stept, Smiling first a little smile, As if he knew what magic slept In his quiet pipe the while; Then, like a musical adept, To blow the pipe his lips he wrinkled, And green and blue his sharp eyes twinkled, Like a candle-flame where salt is sprinkled; And ere three shrill notes the pipe uttered, You heard as if an army muttered.

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