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DOTD Form 24-102 September 4, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "DOTD Form 24-102 September 4, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOTD Form September 4, 2014

2 Introduction of Consultant Contracts Staff
Alan Dale, P.E., DOTD Consultant Contracts Services Administrator, Kathy Ward, DOTD Contracts Manager, Heather Huval, DOTD Advertisement Specialist,

3 Location of form on DOTD’s Web Site
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4 New Submittal Requirement (USB Drive)
One original (stamped “original”) and five copies of the DOTD Form 24‑102 must be submitted to DOTD along with an electronic copy (USB flash drive only) in a searchable Portable Document Format (pdf). If you wish to have your flash drive returned, please include a postage paid, self-addressed envelope.

5 DOTD Form 24-102 Sections 1) Project Title/Location
2) Announcement Date/Contract Number 3a) Firm As registered with the Secretary of State DBA for sole proprietorships which bear the full name of the owner 3b) Firm License Number License number as per LAPELS DUNNS number as per (new requirement) 3c) Mailing address of the office to perform work 4a) Name, title, telephone number, and address of the official with signing authority for this contract. 4b) Name, title, telephone number, and address of project point of contact.

6 DOTD Form 24-102 Sections (continued)
4c) Name, title, and telephone number of full-time LA Licensed Engineer or Surveyor in charge. 5a) Has the firm obtained a DOTD-approved audited overhead rate within the past five years? If no, do you have a cognizant agency overhead? 5b) Has the firm submitted the required current labor rates to DOTD’s Audit Section as described in Section 2.3 of the Consultant Contract Services Manual

7 DOTD Form 24-102 Sections (continued)
6) Full-time personnel on firm’s payroll 7) If one or more Sub-Consultants will be used, provide the information requested below List should match Sub-Consultants shown in 8b 8a) List the elements of work as defined in the advertisement, and an estimated percentage and detailed description of the work element(s) to be performed by the Prime-Consultant and each Sub-Consultant. 8b) Identify the percentage of work for the overall project to be performed by the Prime Consultant and each Sub-Consultant

8 DOTD Form 24-102 Sections (continued) 9a) Project Staffing Plan
9b) Identify full-time staff (prime/sub-consultant) designated to work on this project meeting the Minimum Personnel Requirements specified in the advertisement. 10) Provide short résumés for key project personnel in alphabetical order by last name 11) Firm’s most relevant project experience 12) Backlog - List any current prime or Sub-Consultant work being performed by all of your firm’s offices, either directly for or via selection by the DOTD.

9 DOTD Form 24-102 Sections (continued)
13) Provide any additional information or description of resources supporting your firm’s qualifications for the proposed project. 14) Signature of Official (same as 4a), certifying that all information contained herein is accurate and true, and that the firm presently has sufficient staff to perform these services within the designated time frame.

10 DOTD Form The Sub-Consultants do have to fill out a completely separate submittal packet that is incorporated/bound firmly to the Prime Consultants submittal packet. While not a requirement, CCS is encouraging prime Consultant’s to add tabs at least between the prime and sub-consultants in the submitted forms to aid the Project Evaluation Team.

11 DOTD Form 24-102 Common Issues
3a – Firm must be registered with the Louisiana Secretary of State (unless a sole proprietorship) ngs/Pages/default.aspx 5a and 5b – While a “no” answer will not be grounds for being deemed non-responsive, lack of this data will increase the time to execute a contract and may reduce the firm’s expected compensation 6 Full-time personnel –contract workers must be approved before submitting, Transportation Organization Charts reducing staff level to firm members that may work on DOTD projects must be approved before submitting. You can do this by ing Mr. Alan Dale at

12 Personnel Domiciled The first column, All Personnel Domiciled in LA, is to include the number of full-time employees on the firm’s payroll who are domiciled in Louisiana. The second column, Project Specific Personnel NOT domiciled in LA, is to include the number of full-time employees on the firm’s payroll who are not domiciled in Louisiana but will potentially be assigned to perform work under the contract. Workers not located in the office shown in 3c may impact firm’s location used for evaluation purposes.

13 Transportation Organization Charts
If the number of full-time transportation related employees domiciled in Louisiana is less that the total number of all full-time employees domiciled in Louisiana, the Consultant may submit an organizational chart to the Consultant Contract Services Section, Alan Dale confirming such. The organizational chart will be kept on file and should be regularly updated for appreciable changes in staff. Contract employees may be allowed for a period of time for a particular element or task on a project. Contract employees should be shown in Section 9a. Project Staffing Plan with resumes included in Section 10.

14 DOTD Form 24-102 Common Issues
A Sub-Consultant shall not utilize another Sub-Consultant. Reporting of percent of total work by each team member should be reported in whole numbers only. Staffing Plan should be in the format of an organizational chart. Show ALL key personnel, prime and sub-consultants (if applicable), the work element each person is assigned to, and their specific duties. The chart shall be organized such that each person is traceable to their immediate supervisor for each work element. It shall also be made apparent in the chart the firm with which each person is associated.

15 DOTD Form 24-102 Common Issues
Minimum Personnel Requirements table (9b) identify those staff members meeting the Minimum Personnel Requirements. The entries shall be in the order of the personnel requirements as presented in the advertisement. More than the minimum number of personnel can be listed, all will be evaluated and rated. This allows the firm to still be considered if a member is deemed not to satisfy the minimum requirements. No additions are allowed after the deadline date of the advertisement.

16 DOTD Form 24-102 Common Issues
Resumes (Section 10) for the key project personnel are required. The resumes shall be in alphabetical order by last name. The resumes shall be a brief description of the experience and qualifications relevant to the proposed project. The role and responsibility should be made clear for each project shown in Section g. Include agency project numbers and dates of the work performance period. If personnel performed duties on projects listed in Section 11, this information provided should match information listed on their resume.

17 New Firms Federal Registration Link for (System for Award Management) Registration Link LAGOV: Registration Help Desk: (225) It is highly advisable to register a minimum of one if not more of the following product category codes    For Consulting/Professional Services    For any services that include Computer Elements    For Software License and Maintenance Agreements    For Engineering and Related Services    Instructions for Completing the DOTD Form (Rev Nov. 2011) LA DOTD Projected Advertisements Alan Dale at your contract information so that your firm can be added to CCS database


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