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When you hear the words balance, what do you think of?

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Presentation on theme: "When you hear the words balance, what do you think of?"— Presentation transcript:

1 When you hear the words balance, what do you think of?
Starter Page 14 When you hear the words balance, what do you think of? What is Value in art? Explain what your understanding of what contrast is? What is a composition in art (guess)?

2 Drawing 1 Randomness & contrast

3 Agenda Review of last time What is Balance What is contrast
What is composition Emotions in art Draw emotions based on value, line, and contrast Next assignment Randomness

4 Last time We listened to music and made non-objective art.
Each of you made a line piece, a shape piece, a color piece, and a movement piece. Lastly you made a final piece that you will turn in today. Get all 5 art pieces (4 small 1 large) and the rubric from up front. If you were not here last time you will need to come after school to make it up.

5 Balance Balance in art refers to the sense of distribution of perceived visual weights that offset one another.

6 Balance Think of it like a scale if you have too much on one side it will tip to that side visually. If you have it balanced than it will have the same amount of stuff on each site.

7 Contrast Contrast refers to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.) in a piece so as to create visual interest, excitement and drama.

8 Composition composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work.

9 Composition Rule of thirds Building triangles Golden ratio

10 Using line, value, and contrast to understand emotions
Art Expressions Using line, value, and contrast to understand emotions

11 Art is Emotion For our purposes,
Emotions (or Feelings) are not physical sensations, but they can cause them. For example, being sick is NOT an emotion, but being sad might make you sick. SAD is the emotion in this example.

12 +Positive / -Negative Active! / Passive~ Art is Emotion
Emotions can be separated into two groups of opposites… +Positive / -Negative Active! / Passive~

13 +Positive / -Negative Positive and Negative generally describe whether the emotion feels “good” or “bad”, but positive and negative are more precise words.

14 Active! / Passive~ Active and Passive have to do with how much ENERGY an emotion has. Lots of energy is active and very little energy is passive.

15 Here are some examples…
Happy = +positive Sad = -Negative Hyper = Active! Calm = Passive~

16 Now Combine them Joy = +Positive Active! Peaceful = +positive Passive~ Rage = Negative Active! Depressed = -Negative Passive~

17 With Any Emotion… Ask yourself Is the emotion +positive or – Negative? Is the emotion Active! Or Passive~? Can you think of other examples, and how they would be labeled?

18 Value Line Contrast How do we use these?
By using three Artistic tools: Value Line Contrast

19 Art is Emotion Is the lightness or darkness of an object in your picture. Is used to show if something is +positive or –Negative. Your picture will be +positive if it is mostly LIGHT. Your picture will be –Negative if it is mostly DARK.

20 Art is Emotion Is used to show if something is Active! or Passive~.
Active! lines jump and dart around a lot. They tend to have lots of angles like lightning. Passive~ lines swoop and curve and are very relaxed.

21 Art is Emotion Is extreme differences that are next to each other.
Active! Contrast has LOTS of differences next to each other. Passive~ contrast has FEW differences next to each other.

22 Now, we put it all together!













35 To Draw Emotion Ask yourself… Is the emotion +positive or –Negative?
Is the emotion Active! or Passive~? How can I show this emotion with VALUE, LINE and CONTRAST?

36 Assignment: On your worksheet you will see 4 spaces with different emotions listed. Depressed Joyful Angry Peaceful Using value, line, and contrast draw an example of the emotion listed. Fill the ENTIRE BOX with marks related to the emotion. Your drawing should not be realistic.

37 Randomness Expectations
Fill the entire page with patterns and textures Use at least 5 patterns from the pattern worksheet Use at least 3 of your own patterns not on the worksheet Only black and white

38 Timeline Today we learn how to make an emotion in our work.
Friday we will learn about patterns than start our randomness designs. Tuesday we will finish randomness design and add marker. Thursday we will finish marker and turn in with reflection and rubric.

39 Exit Pass After learning about contrast, what is your understanding of it now? How would you describe balance in art? What are you most excited about with this art project? How many days do you have to work on it?

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