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Fu Jinghua Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University

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1 Fu Jinghua Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University
Statistical Model Analysis of K/ and p/ fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions Fu Jinghua Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University

2 Motivation a phase transition event-by-event fluctuations
statistical (thermal) model ratios of hadron yields hadronic statistical model particle yield fluctuations.

3 Energy dependence

4 Centrality dependence

5 Particle ratio fluctuations
ratios of particles volume fluctuations cancel

6 Particle ratio fluctuations

7 Statistical model Upper sign for frmions, lower sign for bosons

8 Model parameters Thermal model codes THERMUS

9 Volume From Ref. Nucl.Phys.A 772 (2006) 167, in unit of fm3

10 Correction NA49 3D acceptance table HIJING simulations
The percentage of particles inside the NA49 acceptance table

11 Correction STAR

12 Energy dependence Data : Full symbols: Model : Open symbols:

13 Centrality dependence
The volume parameter is decided by asking the average number of K- in the model the same as the STAR measured K- integrated rapidity density

14 Data : Full symbols: Model : Open symbols:

15 Conclusion Detector acceptance increase of fluctuations at the lower NA49 energies Kinematic cuts & tracking efficiency good description of most central STAR K/ dN/d scaled K/ fluctuations independent of centrality Opposite sign: resonance decay contributions reduced Same sign: other sources of correlations

16 Energy dependence


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