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BTEC level 3 Learning Aim B.

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1 BTEC level 3 Learning Aim B

2 Pre Topic Task Research and create a fact file on What a network is
How data is transmitted How computers connect on a network The advantages and disadvantages What hardware is used

3 Transmitting data

4 Keywords Synchronise (Sync) – match up and pull together, e.g. making sure multiple devices have the same copy of relevant files Bandwidth – available amount of data transmission capability Fibre optics – collection of fine silica strands which use light to transmit data at high speeds 4G – 4th generation, accessing internet at high speeds via mobile Hardwired – permanent connection between components of IT systems.

5 Connectivity

6 Connectivity Computers and electronic devices are now all able to connect to each other and as customers we like to buy devices which are able to interact with other devices for example a smart TV or Garmin watch. Devices can connect wirelessly or hardwired. Before wireless technology was available, computers and devices only connected via a cable. Nowadays we expect the devices to be portable and connect to the internet wirelessly.

7 Security IT system security is frequently in the news and is a constant concern for businesses. While we have the capability to protect ourselves against threats with the use of software and passwords, hackers still manage to break through. Organisations will make decisions on there choice of IT system according to the security precautions in place. For example a school will have a lot of personal details about students.

8 Security……….cont. Within IT systems there is a need to connect peripherals and devices to perform a function such as a printer, mouse or camera Devices will need to sync when they connect, this allows data to be shared between them. TASK – make a list of ways in which devices can be connected.

9 Features of connection types and how they meet the individuals needs
As internet is improving by becoming quicker and more widely available, it can be taken for granted. Broadband (fibre optic) is the fastest WiFi currently around. Wired systems are still frequently used particularly when connecting networks together, for example computers to servers. Broadband is connected through telephone cables, alternatively people are able to use mobile broadband as their means to connect to the internet. Businesses use a mixture of wireless and hardwired systems. E.g. cars now have installed a computer which can diagnose the problem and report this to the garage. Task – research wireless and hardwired systems and compare the advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Disadvantages Wireless Hardwired

10 Implications of Selecting and using connection types
Previously buildings have been made with cables being built into the infrastructure which has helped IT systems deal with any health and safety concerns. However there is a greater demand from businesses to have reliable remote connectivity. Some businesses want to communicate across different countries and interact with customers and suppliers. These considerations need to be considered when making choices about the selection of digital devices

11 The impact of connection types on the performance of an IT system
When choosing a connection type its important that all aspects are analysed for example. The cables (connectivity) Stability (connection) Speed Cost TASK – Research about the DVLA new IT system and list some key facts about the system

12 Networks

13 Keywords ISDN – stands for integrated services digital network.
Intranet – a local network website where access is restricted to internal users, such as within an organisation. Extranet – an intranet system which can be accessed by authorised external users to retain data security. CPU - Central Processing Unit which acts as the computers brain to process instructions Encrypting - Converting data into a code to avoid it easily being accessed by unauthorised users. Specialist software is used to encrypt data.

14 Networks A computer networks is a telecommunication network which allows nodes to share resources. It is the exchange of data between computers and the personal using them. The connections can be either wired or wireless. Most if not all business have a network set up, employees will then be able to access shared resources and potentially work remotely. There are different types of networks and different ways they can be arranged. Because of this the hardware can differ depending on what is needed.


16 Hardware Ethernet cable Server Router Switch Modem Hub NIC
Task – find out about the hardware involved in a network, list their purpose.

17 Features, use and purpose
PAN LAN WAN VPN TASK – Research these networks and find information on their features and purpose. Extension TASK – Identify at least one example of where each network type is used in different businesses.

18 Network topologies Star Bus Ring Mesh
Task – research each of these and draw the layout in your book, include an advantage and disadvantage for all.

19 Factors affecting the choice of network
User experience Ease of use Performance Availability Accessibility User needs – what do they need the network for? Family use, personal use or business use Spec – how fast or powerful does the network need to work in relation to the software or devices Connectivity – do the digital devices need to sync? Does the internet connection need to be fast e.g. broadband or fibre optic Cost – how much do the company have to spend on the system? Do they need to pay someone to set it up or maintain it? Efficiency – time can be saved if the network is fast Compatibility – does the network need to communicate between a variety of devices? Does it need to be able to work remotely? Implementation Timescales Testing Downtime Productivity – the speed at which instructions and data are processed together with the quality of the outcome Security – communicating over networks increases the risk of the data being stolen or damaged, encrypting may need to take place.

20 Exam Style Question Rahim is an animator who works for a company based in a large city-centre office with branches around the country. Rahim travels around the country to meet clients and colleagues. He usually travels by train to work and other locations, and needs to be able to use this time to work and contact clients. During meetings, Rahim needs to present his work to others. He must be able to access and work on the same files when travelling, when in the office or with clients. His animation work involves capturing, storing and manipulating large, high-quality image and animation files. He must be able to export these into different file formats for inclusion in his work and for sharing with others. Rahim wants to manipulate images and animations when travelling. He will access cloud computing services using a mobile data connection. (a) Explain two implications for Rahim of using a mobile data connection to access cloud computing services. (4 marks)

21 Mark Scheme Award 1 mark for each identification and 1 additional mark for each appropriate expansion, up to a maximum of 2 marks each. Image editing requires a large bandwidth (1), so mobile data connection may not provide sufficient bandwidth/or may result in high data costs. (1) When working on the train, he could lose signal due to not being in one place/static (1), which would disconnect him from the service/he could lose unsaved work. (1) Accept any other reasonable response.

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