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Type Systems For Distributed Data Sharing

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1 Type Systems For Distributed Data Sharing
Ben Liblit, Alex Aiken, and Katherine Yelick University of California, Berkeley

2 Why Shared/Private Matters
Data location management Cache coherence Race condition detection Program/algorithm documentation Consistency model relaxation Synchronization elimination Autonomous garbage collection Security

3 Highlights of This Talk
Review of underlying memory model Originally in [Liblit et al, POPL ’00] Captures representation but not sharing Suite of type systems for data sharing One size does not fit all Overview of type inference Selected experimental findings

4 Distributed Memory Model
Multiple machines, each with local memory Global memory is union of local memories Distinguish two types of pointers: Local points to local memory only: address Global points anywhere: machine, address Different representations & operations

5 Type Grammar Integers and pointers; unboxed pairs in paper
All indirection (boxing) is explicit Pointers are either local or global Coercion, not subtyping

6 Review of Global Dereferencing: Standard Approach Unsound
x = 5 x =

7 Review of Global Dereferencing: Standard Approach Unsound
x = 5 x =

8 Review of Global Dereferencing: Sound With Type Expansion
5 x =

9 Review of Global Dereferencing: Sound With Type Expansion

10 Representation Versus Sharing
Consider obvious assumptions: local pointers address private data global pointers address shared data 5

11 Representation Versus Sharing
Locally pointed-to data might not be private 5

12 Representation Versus Sharing
Locally pointed-to data might not be private Because of local / global aliasing x = 5

13 Representation Versus Sharing
Locally pointed-to data might not be private Because of transitivity + pointer widening y = 5 y =

14 Representation Versus Sharing
Globally pointed-to data might not be shared What if “y” never actually happens? y = 5 y =

15 Distinct, but not Independent
Local pointer to shared data:  Local pointer to private data:  Global pointer to shared data:  Global pointer to private data: ?!? Several possible approaches Determines what “private” really means Determines which clients can benefit

16 Sharing Qualifiers Polymorphism needed in practice Top, but no bottom
Mixed: supertype of shared & private Local access only, but assume others may be watching Top, but no bottom mixed =  shared private

17 Augmented Type Grammar
Allow subtyping of pointers But not across pointers, since we allow assignment Allocation is explicitly shared or private

18 Late Enforcement: Limited Use of Global Pointers

19 Late Enforcement: Applicability
Data location management Cache coherence Race condition detection Program/algorithm documentation Consistency model relaxation Synchronization elimination Autonomous garbage collection (in practice) Security

20 Why Garbage Collection Breaks
Locally allocate some private data 5

21 Why Garbage Collection Breaks
Locally allocate some private data Send its address to another machine 5

22 Why Garbage Collection Breaks
Forget the original local pointer 5

23 Why Garbage Collection Breaks
Forget the original local pointer Garbage collect unreachable private data

24 Why Garbage Collection Breaks
Later, retrieve the global pointer Coerce back to local (runtime check)

25 Export Enforcement: No Escape of Private Addresses
Note that τ′ might reference private data Autonomous garbage collection: OK Security: not OK

26 Early Enforcement: Shared is Transitively Closed

27 Recap of Enforcement Strategies
Late enforcement Anything can point to anything Restricted global dereference & assignment y = 3 5

28 Recap of Enforcement Strategies
Export enforcement Can only reveal shared addresses Still restrict global pointer operations y = 3 5

29 Recap of Enforcement Strategies
Early enforcement Shared universe is transitively closed Global pointer restrictions trivially satisfied y = 3 5

30 Type Inference: Constraint Generation
Type structure already known Including local / global Induce constraints on sharing qualifiers δ = shared from global deref / assign δ ≤ δ′ from assignments δ = δ′ from various other operations Stricter enforcement adds more constraints δ = shared Þ δ′ = shared

31 Type Inference: Constraint Resolution
δ1 δ2 private δ shared Given constraints δ ≤ δ1 shared ≤ δ1 δ ≤ δ2 private ≤ δ2

32 Type Inference: Constraint Resolution
δ1  mixed δ2  shared private δ  shared shared Two “minimal” solutions δ  shared Þ δ1  mixed Ù δ2  shared

33 Type Inference: Constraint Resolution
δ1  private δ2  mixed private δ  private shared Two “minimal” solutions δ  shared Þ δ1  mixed Ù δ2  shared δ  private Þ δ1  private Ù δ2  mixed

34 Type Inference: Biased Constraint Resolution
δ1 shared ≤ δ2 private δ shared Push “shared” and “mixed” forward

35 Type Inference: Biased Constraint Resolution
δ1 shared ≤ δ2 private δ shared Push “shared” and “mixed” forward Identify qualifiers which cannot be private

36 Type Inference: Biased Constraint Resolution
δ1  private shared ≤ δ2 private δ  private shared Push “shared” and “mixed” forward Identify qualifiers which cannot be private Set all other qualifiers to private

37 Type Inference: Biased Constraint Resolution
shared ≤ δ2 private ≤ δ2 δ1  private private δ  private shared Identify qualifiers which cannot be private Set all other qualifiers to private Push “private” forward

38 Type Inference: Biased Constraint Resolution
δ1  private δ2  mixed private δ  private shared Set all other qualifiers to private Push “private” forward Set remaining qualifiers to “shared” or “mixed”

39 Implementation For Titanium
Java + SPMD extensions Objects, classes, interfaces, methods Multidimensional arrays, templates Local / global, communications primitives Sharing validation as type checking Sharing inference as compiler analysis Late or early enforcement Whole-program or partial

40 Experimental Findings: Consistency Model Relaxation
Titanium has very weak consistency model Sequential model preferred, but too slow? Sequential is overkill for private data Weakly consistent on private data Sequentially consistent on shared data Compare to weak & fully sequential models Four-way Pentium III SMP at 550 MHz

41 Experimental Findings: Consistency Model Relaxation

42 Experimental Findings: Data Location Management
Tally allocations by type at run time Tremendous variation 1% - 100% of allocated bytes are private 45% in large gas benchmark Sensitivity to enforcement policy amr: 74% late / 19% early

43 Summary “Private” might not mean what you think
Generalize on earlier (often implicit) designs Amenable to efficient type inference Experimental implementation Ideas & algorithms scale to real system More aggressive clients needed Potential for stronger, phase-aware inference

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