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Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): Math 2nd Grade Week of: to 12-21, 2018 Objectives: Students will solve multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction TEKS: 2.4C solve multistep equations; 2.4D communicate ideas and reasoning ; 2.1A apply mathematics to problems; 2.1B use a problem solving model;2.1Cselect tools;2.1D communicate, 2.1E record data, 2.1F analyze relationships ELPS: 2.E.3, 3.D.2, 2.C.1, 4.E, 4.G3, 3.G.2, 4.F.6, 4.F.7 Essential Question(s): How do you solve multi-step word problems with addition /subtraction? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Lesson 10.6 3 digit subtraction: regroup hundreds Lesson 10.7 Solve mixed problems Lesson 10.8 Write and solve problems Module 10 Assessment Tier 1 lesson practice, small group activities and enrichment pages. Vocabulary Hundreds,tens,ones Regroup Model Quick picture Difference Number sentence Addend Compose Decompose Expression Minuend Subtrahend Higher order questions Explain how you solved #7. How do you decide when to add or subtract? How can a number sentence show a real life problem? Write a story problem to match a given number sentence. Explain the addition/subtraction process in your own words. Assessment Strategy Students will subtract 3 digit numbers with regrouping in hundreds. Students will solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Students will write and solve mixed problems. Students will solve multi-step problems with addition and subtraction. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.

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