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The Patriot: Characters

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1 The Patriot: Characters
History Through Film Mr. Clark


3 I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me, and the cost is more than I can bear.


5 Benjamin martin

6 BENJAMIN MARTIN Widower Father of 7 children
Veteran of French and Indian War “hero” of Fort Wilderness Member of SC legislature Refuses to vote regarding Independence

7 Gabriel Martin

8 Gabriel Martin Oldest of Martin children Wants to join Revolution
Reunites with Anne Howard in Charles Town Signs up for Continental Army Wounded Sentenced to be hanged for being a spy

9 Benjamin Martin Gabriel Martin

10 Thomas Martin 2nd oldest of Martin children
Looks up to older brother Gabriel Wants to join war (plays dress up) Killed by Col. Tavington while trying to save Gabriel

11 The Martin family - (from left to right) William, Susan , servant Abigale, Margaret, Nathan, Benjamin, Samuel and Thomas

12 Nathan Martin Samuel Martin
3rd oldest member of Martin family Helps in rescue of Gabriel (Happy?) 4th oldest member of Martin family Helps in rescue of Gabriel (upset)

13 Margaret Martin William Martin
5th oldest member of Martin family Watches younger kids during rescue of Gabriel 6th oldest member of Martin family

14 Susan Martin Youngest member of Martin family
Has not spoken since her mother died

15 Benjamin & Susan Martin

16 Charlotte Selton Benjamin’s sister-in-law Aunt to Martin kids
Has home in Charles Town & plantation Martin family hides out at her plantation

17 Benjamin Martin and his sister-in-law Charlotte Selton
Margaret Susan

18 ANNE HOWARD Childhood friend of Gabriel Martin
Reunites with Gabriel in Charles Town


20 Continentals

21 COL. HARRY BURWELL Officer in Continental army
Visits SC legislature to plead vote for independence Old friend of Benjamin Martin (fought together in F & I War) Assigns Benjamin Martin to lead militia

22 Col. Burwell & Benjamin Martin

23 Major Jean Villeneuve Officer in French army
“advisor” to the Continental Army Assigned to help train Martin’s militia Family killed by English (burned alive)

24 Major Jean Villeneeve and Benjamin Martin

25 Reverend Oliver Local preacher Volunteers for Martin’s militia
“A shepherd must tend his flock. And at times... fight off the wolves.”

26 Anne Howard, Reverend Oliver, Gabriel Martin

27 DAN SCOTT local townsfolk Married with kids
Volunteers for Martin’s militia Racist (particularly against Occam) “Your sense of freedom is as pale as your skin.”

28 Occam Slave Signed over by his master to fight in Martin’s militia

29 John Billings Friend of Benjamin Martin
Fought with him in the F & I War Married with kid (redhead) Signs up at tavern “I say we drink the wine, eat the dogs, and use the paper for musket wadding.”

30 redcoats

31 Col. Tavington

32 Col. Tavington Officer in English Army
Leader of Green Dragoons (cavalry) Ruthless Orders destruction of Martin plantation and hanging to Gabriel Shoots & kills Thomas Martin

33 Benjamin Martin & Col. Tavington

34 Gen. Cornwallis Officer in English Army
Overall commander of English forces in the South Seizes Charles Town “These rustics are so inept, it nearly takes the honor out of victory… nearly.”

35 Capt. Wilkins American Member of SC legislature
Volunteer officer in English Army “Those neighbors of mine who stand against England deserve a traitor’s death.”

36 Who is “the patriot”?

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