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Fitness Check of EU Freshwater Policy

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1 Fitness Check of EU Freshwater Policy
Draft Conclusions Nicola Notaro, DG Environment, Deputy Head Unit D1 – Protection of Water Resources

2 The Fitness Check (FC) of EU Freshwater Policy
Part of European Commission Smart Regulation policy identify excessive burdens, overlaps, gaps, inconsistencies and/or obsolete measures which may have appeared over time Objective: Assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the EU freshwater policy Roadmap:

3 Scope of the Fitness Check:
6 Directives Water Framework Directive Groundwater Directive Directive on Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Urban Waste Water Directive Nitrates Directive Floods Directive + quantitative and adaptive water management issues, for which there is currently no legislation at EU level: Communication on Water Scarcity and Drought Policy paper accompanying the White Paper on Adapting to Climate change on Water, Coasts and Marine Issues.

4 Support Contracts January-June 2011: scoping study, including a first stakeholder workshop Report available at Current contract (IEEP/Ecologic/BioIS): organisation stakeholder and public consultation contribution to drafting FC report

5 Public consultation open for 12 weeks (6/12/11 – 28/2/12)
The questionnaire follows the major themes of the Fitness Check: relevance, coherence, efficiency and effectiveness of EU freshwater policy. policies included in the Fitness Check as well as interactions with other EU water law, other environmental policy and other EU policies.

6 Stakeholder consultation
Strategic Co-ordination Group Workshop held in Brussels on 9 and 10 February, high level of participation Draft conclusions sent to stakeholders for comments on 17/2 Deadline for comments: 28/2 (also end of public internet consultation), finalisation this week

7 Main conclusions from stakeholders consultation so far

8 Relevance Consensus that current policy framework largely covers key challenges Water policy addresses quality – need to look to other policies areas to control (diffuse) pollution Quantity – no need expressed for new law, but instead for providing tools, knowledge, funding and some common standards Climate – policy framework perceived as robust in medium-term, but important for river basin plans to think ahead to future challenges (demography, etc.)

9 Coherence Objectives of EU water policies well-aligned
Potential Problem with divergent application of similar criterias (chemicals, PPPs) Reporting calendar & practical implementation at MS-level leaves space for improvement Other environmental policies Chemicals - WFD sets objectives but concrete measures & actions under other Directives - Trigger mechanism needed to take action Articulation with SEA Directive Integration with sectoral policies most challenging Coherence concerning objectives, efforts needed to streamline actions and measures (e.g. funding in CAP, CP)

10 Effectiveness Impacts of 30 years of EU Water policy are tangible
Water Framework Directive: Environmental objectives are good & necessary but concerns on achieving the objective within the timeframe (WFD, MSFD) Many stakeholders feel the level of ambition in current RBMPs leaves scope for improvement Some measures taken are not appreciated if the good status is not reached Need expressed for prioritizing measures (what first / setting priorities in other policies)

11 Effectiveness needs improvements in implementation
Enforcement action More involvement of the local level of water management (this takes time) Support periodic exchange of experiences on practical level (RB/local authorities) Technical solutions e.g. for water re-use & water storage Improving communication and public participation

12 Efficiency Complexity of governance structures, coordination issues
Different capacities to fulfil the requirements depending on regional situations Ensure sufficient resources (EU/MS funds) Streamlining monitoring requirements Coherent planning, timing and objectives of funding cycles in different policies (e.g. RDP v.s. water policy) Further analysis & transparency on cost & benefits (inefficient pricing, choice of measures)

13 Next steps Drafting of the Commission Staff Working Paper reflecting in an objective way stakeholders’ views by end-April Mid-March/mid-May: public consultation on Policy Options for the Blueprint that take into account FC results. Questionnaire + background document on line next week Water Directors discussion on 29 March Next SCG 10 May, discussion on Blueprint options, ‘warming up’ to the 3rd EU Water Conference on May Water Directors 4-6 June Impact assessment board mid-June

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