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Day 2.

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0 Color MFP and Production Print
D135/D136 (Office) D137/D138 (Pro) Color MFP and Production Print Ricoh Corporation

1 Day 2

2 D135/D136/D137/D138 Review guide

3 D135/D136/D137/D138 TONER SUPPLY UNIT

4 Toner Supply Unit Replacement Notes Front Cover
Behind the cover [A] are the toner supply units. All four can be removed as one unit. No additional notes

5 Toner Supply Unit Replacement Notes Removing the Toner Supply Unit
Handle Handle No additional notes When removing the toner supply unit [A], remove the screws that attach the unit to the sliding rails, then lift it out using the handles on the left and right.

6 Toner Supply Unit Replacement Notes Reinstalling the Toner Supply Unit
No additional notes When attaching the toner supply unit to the machine, fit the hooks of the toner supply unit into the holes in the slide rails.

7 Toner Supply Unit Replacement Notes Cleaning the Toner Supply Unit
No additional notes Remove the toner cartridge [A]. Clean the toner supply unit [B] with a damp cloth. Clean the sponge seal [C] of the supply port with a dry cloth. To prevent toner scattering, do not use a blower brush.

8 Lab 4 – Toner Supply Unit Lab

9 D135/D136/D137/D138 PCDU

10 PCDU Replacement Procedures Lubricant Bar Replacement
The lubricant bar has a PM replacement interval of 300k. At this time, the lubricant bar and roller should both be replaced. If the machine continues to be used without proper drum lubrication, the drum will wear prematurely. The following back-up measures are implemented in case a technician forgets to, or cannot replace the lubricant at the required time. At 300k, the machine can still be used, but a drum rotation counter begins. When either of the lubricant end sensors is triggered, a "Near End" alert message is displayed. The machine can still be used. At 12 km of drum rotation after the 300k point, an "End" alert message is displayed. At this time, the machine stops and cannot be used until the lubricant bar is replaced. This corresponds to about 20k sheets (5P/J) for the Office version, or about 27k sheets (25P/J) for the Pro version. No additional notes

11 PCDU Replacement Procedures
The PCDUs are located behind the toner supply unit. To access the PCDUs, you must remove the toner supply unit assembly. No additional notes

12 PCDU Replacement Procedures Accessing the PCDUs - 1
First, remove the toner supply unit assembly, as mentioned previously. Then, turn the transfer belt release lever counterclockwise and remove the six screws that hold the faceplate. Next, remove the two handles that are taped to the upper left corner. No additional notes

13 PCDU Replacement Procedures Accessing the PCDUs - 2
Use the handles to pry loose the edges of the faceplate little by little at the four locations shown. Pull out little by little uniformly. Then grab the two handles built into the faceplate at the left and right, and pull the faceplate out. Do not close the drawer unit with the faceplate removed, because there is a risk of damage to the paper transfer roller unit. No additional notes

14 PCDU Replacement Procedures Removing a PCDU - 1
No additional notes Unlock the lever [A] and pull out the PCDU [B] from the machine.

15 PCDU Replacement Procedures Removing a PCDU - 2
No additional notes Put the PCDU [A] on its cradle [B] when performing service. The cradles are included in the machine’s accessories.

16 PCDU Replacement Procedures Installing a PCDU - 1
When installing the PCDU, ensure that the locking lever is fit in the hole of the machine frame. [A]: The locking lever properly fits into the hole in the machine frame. [B]: The locking lever is not properly fit in the hole in the machine frame. No additional notes

17 PCDU Replacement Procedures Installing a PCDU - 2
No additional notes After installing the faceplate, check the position of the locking levers again by looking through the holes. The lever should be straight [A], and not at an angle [B]. NOTE: Sturdy force is required to attach the faceplate, and this could knock the levers out of their horizontal alignment.

18 PCDU Replacement Procedures Installing a PCDU - 3
D137/D138: (Pro version) After you removing a PCDU and replacing it, or after installing a new one, be sure to execute SP to SP (DEMS: Execute). No additional notes

19 PCDU Replacement Procedures Charge Roller
After removing the charge roller unit, place it on a clean, flat surface with the roller facing up. D137/D138 (Pro Version): After removing the charge roller and replacing it, or after installing a new one, be sure to execute SP to SP (DEMS: Execute). No additional notes

20 PCDU Replacement Procedures Removing a Drum
No additional notes To remove the drum from the PCDU [A], move it toward the front side (to the left as shown above), then pull it out from the rear side (the right side as shown above).

21 PCDU Replacement Procedures Installing a Drum - 1
When replacing a drum, apply lubricant powder (D ; zinc stearate) evenly with a brush. No additional notes

22 PCDU Replacement Procedures Installing a Drum - 2
Lay the black protective sheet [B] that covered a new OPC drum on the development unit [A]. Attach the new OPC drum [A] then remove the protective sheet [B] from the bottom. D137/D138 (Pro Version):After replacing the OPC drum, or installing a new one, perform SP to SP (DEMS: Execute). No additional notes

23 PCDU Replacement Procedures Drum Cleaning Unit - 1
After removing the cleaning unit, lubricant and toner streaks [B] can remain on the surface of the OPC drum [A]. This will cause stains on the charge roller. To prevent this, rotate the OPC drum in the direction of the arrow [C] before installing a new drum cleaning unit. No additional notes

24 PCDU Replacement Procedures Drum Cleaning Unit - 2
No additional notes After replacing the cleaning unit, attach the special tools [A] to the OPC drum (these are shipped with a new cleaning unit). With the flange [C], rotate the drum 1-2 times in the direction of the arrow [D]. D137/D138 (Pro Version): After replacing the drum cleaning unit, or after installing a new one, perform SP to SP (DEMS: Execute).

25 PCDU Replacement Procedures Drum Cleaning Unit Components - 1
When installing a new lubricant bar, a new lubrication roller must also be installed at the same time. Replace the cleaning blade, lubrication blade and side seals as a set. After attaching the side seals (x 2 each) on the cleaning unit and the lubrication unit, apply lubricant powder (D ; zinc stearate) to the side seals [A] with a brush (Upper diagram) Apply lubricant powder (D ) (zinc stearate) and yellow toner (D ) to the lubrication roller [A] (Lower diagram). No additional notes

26 PCDU Replacement Procedures Drum Cleaning Unit Components - 2
Do not replace the drum cleaning unit or the drum cleaning blade at the same time as the following parts. ITB ITB Cleaning Unit ITB Cleaning Blade ITB Lubricant Bar ITB Lubricant Blade After replacing the drum cleaning unit or the drum cleaning blade, cleaning initial setting is performed automatically. But, after replacing the above five parts, you need to run SP (Force Apply Lubricant Execute) manually before cleaning initial setting runs. This is because, if cleaning initial setting runs automatically before running SP manually, the ITB cleaning blade will be turned up. If you need to replace the above five parts at the same time as replacing the drum cleaning unit or the drum cleaning blade, use the following procedure. Clear the counter of the drum cleaning unit or the drum cleaning blade. Replace the drum cleaning unit or the drum cleaning blade. (The cleaning initial setting automatically runs) Clear the counters of the above five parts Replace the above five parts Run SP (Force Apply Lubricant Execute) manually No additional notes

27 PCDU Replacement Procedures Lubricant Bar Replacement
The lubricant bar has a PM replacement interval of 300k. At this time, the lubricant bar and roller should both be replaced as a set. If the machine continues to be used without drum lubrication, the drum will begin to wear out. So, the following back-up measures are implemented in case a technician cannot replace the lubricant at the required time. At 300k, the machine can still be used, but a drum rotation counter begins. When either of the lubricant end sensors is triggered, a "Near End" alert message is displayed. The machine can still be used. At 12 km of drum rotation after the 300k point, an "End" alert message is displayed. At this time, the machine stops and cannot be used until the bar is replaced. This corresponds to about 20k sheets (5P/J) for the Office version, or about 27k sheets (25P/J) for the Pro version. No additional notes

28 Removing The Drum Motor - 1
Remove the 4 screws indicated in the red circles in the upper illustration. Do not touch the four screws indicated in the lower illustration. These screws are adjusted at the factory with a special tool. If you adjust these screws, the drum drive shaft will misaligned. No additional notes Do not touch these screws.

29 Removing The Drum Motor - 2
When removing or assembling the drum shaft and motor: The joint between the drum shaft [A] and the motor [B] must be kept horizontal so that excessive load is not put on the drum shaft. In order to avoid stripping the fixing screw [C], use a box-type driver [D]. No additional notes

30 Replacing The Drum Motor
In the Pro version, there is a HP sensor and actuator mechanism on the drum motor. If you forget to install the actuator, the machine will not work SC (K), SC (C), SC (M), SC (Y) occurs. This sensor is used for the DEMS system. No additional notes

31 Removing The Development Motor
Remove the 4 screws indicated in the red circles in the upper illustration. Do not touch the screws indicated in the lower illustration. These screws are adjusted at the factory with a special tool. If you adjust these screws, the development unit drive will be inaccurate. No additional notes Do not touch these screws.

32 Lab 5 - PCDU Lab

33 D135/D136/D137/D138 Development Unit

34 Development Unit Cautions
No additional notes The development unit and face plates (front [A], and rear [B]) are integrated, so never remove these screws.

35 Development Unit Cautions
No additional notes When dumping old developing, do not hold it by the frame [A]. The frame may bend or break. D137/D138 (Pro Version): After replacing the development unit, or when installing a new one, execute SP to SP (DEMS: Execute).

36 Cleaning the Development Unit
No additional notes Perform the following cleaning at 300k. Wipe off the toner at the toner receptacle [A] with a dry cloth. Clean off the toner adhering to the development unit with a dry cloth

37 Installing New Developer Introduction
It is not necessary to install developer at installation, because developer is installed at the factory. However, developer must be replaced at 600k intervals. Also, developer must be installed after you install a new development unit or PCDU. The next few slides explain the main points of the procedure. See the service manual for full details. Replacement and Adjustment > PCDU > Development Unit > Installing New Developer and Adjustment A new PCDU or development unit contains no developer.

38 Installing New Developer Removing Old Developer
Before installing developer in an existing development unit, you must completely dump all the old developer. See the procedure in the service manual called ‘Emptying the Development Unit’. A special tool is needed; it is the same as in the Taurus. Make sure that all old developer is removed from the center of the development roller at least until about 1 cm from the edge [A]. If there is more old developer than this remaining, a development motor lock may occur. No additional notes

39 Installing New Developer Procedure - 1
Service manual > Replacement and Adjustment > Development Unit Developer Fill :Exe Execute: ALL Developer Fill :Exe Execute: COL Developer Fill :Exe Execute: K Developer Fill :Exe Execute: C Developer Fill :Exe Execute: M Developer Fill :Exe Execute: Y Developer Fill :Exe Choose: From Left: YMCK Developer Fill :Exe Execute: Chosen Color Turn the power off and remove the toner supply unit. Enter SP mode (SP x). Insert the funnel [A] into the open port [B] of the PCDU. The funnel comes with the accessories packed with the main machine.

40 Installing New Developer Procedure - 2
No additional notes Make sure that the tab [A] is inserted securely into the slot at the back side of the supply port [B] of the development unit.

41 Installing New Developer Procedure - 3
Developer Fill :Exe Execute: ALL Developer Fill :Exe Execute: COL Developer Fill :Exe Execute: K Developer Fill :Exe Execute: C Developer Fill :Exe Execute: M Developer Fill :Exe Execute: Y Developer Fill :Exe Choose: From Left: YMCK Developer Fill :Exe Execute: Chosen Color Shake the developer bag 5 to 6 times. Press [EXECUTE] in SP x. Tap the funnel while the machine installs the new developer [A]. Execution time for filling developer is 60 seconds as the default. Make sure that ‘Failed’ does not appear on the display. If more time is needed to empty the developer pack, increase the time interval with SP (Developer Fill: Exe Drive Time Upper Limit). If the filling is not completed successfully, check the resulting code table in the service manual.

42 Installing New Developer Procedure - 4
After the filling completion message is displayed, enter SP You will see a 4-digit number: 1111. Reading from left to right, each number is a result code for the Y, M, C, K developer execution with SP Refer to the result code table in the service manual. No additional notes

43 Installing New Developer Procedure - 5
Completion Remove the funnel and turn off the main power switch. Attach the toner supply unit and turn on the main power switch. After turning on the main power switch, TD sensor initialization and process control automatically starts. Confirm the initialization results for the TD sensor (SP x). If the initialization is successful, the result will show “1111”. Confirm the initialization results for the process control (SP ). If the initialization is successful, the result will show “ ”. No additional notes

44 Installing New Developer Reference Video
The following video is a brief reference of the developer replacement procedure. For detailed, step-by-step procedures for replacing the developer, refer the service manual. Click Here To view the video No additional notes

45 Lab 6 – Development Unit Lab

46 ITB Replacement Notes ITB Unit - 1
Make sure that the image transfer rollers do not contact the transfer belt when removing the ITB unit. You can check it with the lever shown above. The lever indicates either “HP” or “O” depending on the position of the image transfer rollers. HP: Image transfer rollers contact the ITB. O: Imager transfer rollers are away from the ITB. No additional notes

47 ITB Replacement Notes ITB Unit - 2
When you remove or install the ITB unit, be sure not to let the transfer belt touch the drawer unit. Place the ITB unit on a flat surface. Execute SP after you remove and re-install the ITB unit. No additional notes

48 ITB Replacement Notes Belt Replacement
The number printed on the belt should be positioned at the rear of the machine. Make sure there is no slack in the belt. No additional notes

49 ITB Replacement Notes ITB Cleaning Unit
The ITB cleaning blade, ITB lubricant brush and ITB lubricant bar must be replaced together as a set. No additional notes

50 Replacement Procedures
After the ITB unit, ITB, ITB cleaning unit, cleaning blade in the ITB cleaning unit, lubricant blade in the ITB cleaning unit, or lubricant bar is replaced, the following steps must be done. This is for forced belt lubrication. Turn off the machine and pull out the drawer unit. Remove the belt cleaning fan duct. Move down (clockwise) the lever of the belt cleaning unit. Turn on the machine. Enter SP and execute. Push the drawer unit into the machine. The SP adjustment is done automatically for about 3 minutes. The machine stops after the adjustment is finished, then turn off the machine. Pull out the drawer unit. Lift up (counterclockwise) the lever of the belt cleaning unit. Attach the belt cleaning fan duct. Push the drawer unit into the machine. Forced belt lubrication cannot be done automatically, because the ITB and PTR must be separated before lubrication is done. So intervention by a technician is necessary.

51 Cleaning the ITB Unit Clean the following parts in the ITB at the indicated intervals: Rollers: Every 900k prints, wipe with a dry cloth ID sensors: Every 600k prints, wipe with a damp cloth No additional notes

52 Lab 7 – ITB Unit Lab

53 End of Day 2

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