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Air Masses and Fronts. Air Masses and Fronts Climagraphs and Factors.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Masses and Fronts. Air Masses and Fronts Climagraphs and Factors."— Presentation transcript:


2 Air Masses and Fronts

3 Climagraphs and Factors

4 Weather Patterns

5 Climate

6 Weather Data

7 General

8 Air Masses and Fronts General Climagraphs and Factors Weather Patterns Weather Data Climate $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 This air mass is hot.

10 tropical

11 This air mass is cold.

12 polar

13 This air mass is dry.

14 continental

15 Daily Half!!

16 This air mass is moist

17 maritime

18 The type of front where a cold front overtakes a warm front.

19 Occluded front

20 Climographs show these two types of weather data.

21 Temperature and precipitation

22 Temperature is shown as this type of graph on a climograph.

23 Line graph

24 Daily Half!!

25 Precipitation is shown as this type of graph on a climograph.

26 Bar graph

27 The location for the following climograph is in this hemisphere.

28 Southern hemisphere

29 The number one thing that affects climate.

30 Latitude or amount of direct sunlight

31 A center of low pressure is called this.

32 cyclone

33 A center of high pressure is called this.

34 anticyclone

35 Daily Half!!

36 Wind flows this direction around low pressure in the Northern Hemisphere.

37 counterclockwise

38 Fronts move this direction in the U.S.

39 West to east

40 The name of the radar that measures wind speed and direction and is useful in identifying tornadoes

41 Doppler

42 Cities are warmer or cooler than rural areas?

43 warmer

44 Large bodies of water have this effect on climate (give one of the two effects).

45 Moderating / adds moisture

46 Daily Double!!

47 Deserts formed on the leeward side of a mountain are caused by this effect.

48 Rain shadow

49 The 3 climate zones are:

50 Tropics, temperate, polar

51 The climate zone we live in.

52 temperate

53 If a satellite shows a cloud top is very cold, then you could assume that storm is (strong, weak).

54 strong

55 GOES is what?

56 Weather satellites

57 The instrument attached to a weather balloon.

58 radiosonde

59 Surface weather data is illustrated on maps using symbols called these.

60 Station models

61 Daily Double!!

62 A system of 1700 weather stations that collect surface weather data.


64 Increase levels of this gas has been linked to global warming.

65 Carbon dioxide

66 This type of front does not move much.

67 stationary

68 The warming of Pacific Ocean waters off the coast of South America.

69 El Nino

70 Lines of equal air pressure that are drawn on weather maps.

71 isobars

72 Carbon dioxide levels have increased what % in the past 150 years.

73 40%

74 Topic: Carbon dioxide levels
Final Jeopardy Topic: Carbon dioxide levels

75 1) What is the current carbon dioxide level?
2) What should carbon dioxide levels be below?

76 397 ppm 350 ppm

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