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What’s the Big Deal (Power Tripping 102) Dustin Teply (Andrew Kelley)

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Presentation on theme: "What’s the Big Deal (Power Tripping 102) Dustin Teply (Andrew Kelley)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s the Big Deal (Power Tripping 102) Dustin Teply (Andrew Kelley)
Chapter 3: What’s the Big Deal (Power Tripping 102) Dustin Teply (Andrew Kelley)

2 SI: Energy (J) Power (W) Quantity Rate P = E/t
James Watt 1 HP = 33,000 ftlb/ min 1 HP = 746 W Units: BTU/hr, cal/day (erg/sec) SI: Energy (J) Power (W) Quantity Rate P = E/t Energy is a quantity, power is energy per time

3 Renewable Energy: Solar, Wind, Geothermal
Power & Energy Density Gas = 80x Lithium Battery 1908 Model T vs Ford Fusion 7.6 HP/L 70 HP/L Renewable vs. Hydrocarbons Cities Population Appliances

4 Conclusion Energy Power Energy Density Technology

5 Questions What is power? Energy Density of coal vs. wood?
What is the driving force behind wealth?

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