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Chapter 1 Section 1.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 1

2 Focus Question What is Geography?

3 World Geography Concepts
Page 36 Organize and interpret information about the earth. Necessary to understand concepts so you can make geographic patterns. Technology GPS Radar Navigation

4 5 Themes of Geography What is the location?
What is the character of a place? How are places similar and different? How do people, goods, and ideas move? How do people interact with the natural environment of a place?

5 5 Themes Location Place Human-Environment Interaction
Absolute vs. Relative Location Place Physical characteristics Human characteristics Human-Environment Interaction How humans have impacted the environment

6 5 Themes Movement Regions
How the movement of people and goods affect a region Regions Perceptions influence ones own experiences and viewpoints Formal Regions-certain characteristics are found throughout the area Functional Regions-central place and the surrounding places affected by it Perceptual Regions-defined by peoples feelings/attitudes

7 Section 2

8 List the five themes of Geography
Focus Question List the five themes of Geography

9 Physical Characteristics
Earth is a constantly changing planet Geology studies the physical structure of earth and its history Earth is 4.7 billion years old Has changed over time Pangaea Earths layers Core Mantle Crust

10 20-30 miles in thickness

11 Lithosphere Soil, rock, surface features

12 Atmosphere Layer of air, water, and other substances above the surface

13 Hydrosphere Water in oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground

14 Biosphere World of plants, animals, and living things that occupy the planet

15 Physical Processes Landforms are characterized by relief (difference in elevation) Mountains, hills, plateaus, plains What forces shaped the landforms here? Volcanoes Plate tectonics Continental drift Seafloor spreading



18 Section 3

19 What are the four spheres of earth?
Focus Question What are the four spheres of earth?

20 Weathering Weathering Mechanical Weathering
Breakdown of rock at or near earths surface Mechanical weathering vs. Chemical weathering Mechanical Weathering Rock is broken or weakened physically Boulders, stone, pebbles, sand Water freezing and thawing Running water Chemical structure is unchanged Physical structure is changed

21 Weathering Chemical Weathering Observing Weathering
Weathering that alters the chemical makeup Can change one rock into a different type Water and carbon dioxide Acid rain Observing Weathering Weathering can take years to notice Can change the landscape overtime Rivers, lakes, mountains, etc…

22 Erosion Movement of weathered materials. Water Important process
Erosion is Mechanical Weathering Water Greatest cause of erosion Moves sediment Carried to a delta Low lying plain at the mouth of a river

23 Erosion Wind Glaciers 2nd cause of erosion
Causes loose soil to be picked up and redeposit Glaciers Slow moving sheets of ice Carve out landscape Moraines Rock and debris where glaciers have melted and receded The great lakes were caused by glaciers

24 What are the three types of Erosion?
Focus Question What are the three types of Erosion?

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