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René Magritte Not to be reproduced

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1 René Magritte Not to be reproduced
This painting was commissioned by poet and Magritte patron Edward James and is considered a portrait of James although James's face is not depicted

2 Forest and Dove Max Ernst

3 Salvador Dali The image symbolically conveys to us the feelings of happiness and beauty of the world arousing in everyone bound on a distant voyage. In Japan, the image of the butterfly has inspired the artists for hundreds of years.

4 Vladimir Kush

5 Frida Kahlo: The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo
She also mentioned that the second Frida came from her imaginary friend from when she was a child, but it also emphasizes the pain she was suffering emotionally because of her divorce. In fact, the heart of both Fridas is exposed and is connected together by a common vein that is then cut off by the surgical pincers that the Frida in the white dress is holding. The other Frida, who is wearing the traditional Mexican dress is holding an amulet with a picture of Diego.

6 The Sleeping Gypsy by Henri Rousseau

7 René Magritte

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