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H2020 Tööprogramm: Kosmos (2019)

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1 H2020 Tööprogramm: Kosmos (2019)
Silver lätt


3 Tööprogramm 2018 - 2020 Struktuur: Maa jälgimine (Copernicus jm)
Kosmoseettevõtlus, -haridus, teavitustegevused Kosmosetehnoloogia ja –teadus; -uurimine Turvaline ja ohutu kosmosekeskond Satelliitnavigatsiooni rakendused – GALILEO (2019) Tähtajad: Märts 2019 Eelarve: 2019 – 207 MEUR 2020 – 218 MEUR

4 Maa jälgimine LC-SPACE-04-EO : Copernicus evolution – Research activities in support of cross-cutting applications between Copernicus services (RIA) LC-SPACE-05-EO-2019: Copernicus evolution –a gap analysis to prepare future activities for Copernicus data and information validation and quality enhancement (CSA) DT-SPACE-06-EO-2019: International Cooperation Copernicus – Designing EO downstream applications with international partners (RIA)

5 Kosmose Ettevõtlus, - teadus ja -keskkond
DT-SPACE-09-BIZ-2019: Space hubs (support to start-ups) (CSA) SPACE-10-TEC : Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness (RIA) JTF-2018/20-2 – ASICS for mixed signal processing [U11] JTF-2018/20-11 – Design and qualification of µcontroller for space applications [N52] JTF-2018/20-12 – Design and prototype of nvRAM for SPACE with serial interface ((quad)-SPI) [N53] JTF-2018/20-21 – High density (1000 pins and beyond) assembly capabilities and PCBs [U17] JTF-2018/20-28 – Photonics components [U15] JTF-2018/20-31 – Advanced laser crystals for high power space applications [N63] SPACE-13-TEC-2019: SRC – In-Space electrical propulsion and station keeping (RIA)

6 KosmoseTehnoloogia LC-SPACE-14-TEC : Earth observation technologies (RIA) Very high resolution optical EO for LEO and/or high resolution optical EO for GEO/HEO instrument technologies Competitive remote sensing instruments and space systems (pilditöötlus pardal, kuupsatellidid ja uudsed instrumendid (optilised ja raadiosageduslikud) Disruptive technologies for remote sensing (uudsed instrumendid ja deterktorid – radar/LiDAR, optilised, infrapuna ) On-board data processing Advanced SAR/Radar Technologies (laevade SAR ja AIS signaali töötlemine, innovatsiivsed antennid jne)

7 KosmoseTehnoloogia ja -keskkond
SPACE-17-TEC-2019: Access to space (RIA) Innovative concepts for low cost launch system and services for mini-, micro-, nanosatellites and cubesats Launch system advanced manufacturing (e.g. tooling and machines) and modern infrastructures (including ground infrastructures for low cost European launch sites for mini, micro nano satellite launch system) SU-SPACE-22-SEC-2019: Space Weather (RIA) SU-SPACE-23-SEC-2019: Advanced research in Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and new payload technologies for planetary defence (RIA) a) Maturation or adaptation to specific use cases of existing modelling capabilities. b) Development of instruments, technologies and associated data exploitation models in support of missions to asteroids c) Improvement of our knowledge of the physical characteristics of the NEO population.

8 EGNSS – Satelliitpositsioneerimine
LC-SPACE-EGNSS : EGNSS applications fostering green, safe and smart mobility (IA) Lennundus, maantee- ja mere, raudteetransport, ühistransport DT-SPACE-EGNSS : EGNSS applications fostering digitisation (IA) SU-SPACE-EGNSS : EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the environment (IA) SPACE-EGNSS : Awareness Raising and capacity building (CSA)

9 Kokkupuude tööprogrammidega
Teadustaristu: INFRAIA : Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities Keskkond: SC : Development of commercial activities and services through the use of GEOSS and Copernicus data IKT DT-ICT : Agricultural digital integration platforms Societal challenge 1 – Health SC1-BHC : Mining big data for early detection of infectious disease threats driven by climate change and other factors SC1-DTH : Large scale implementation of digital innovation for health and carein an ageing society Energia: LC-SC3-ES : Research on advanced tools and technological development Transport: MG : Integrated multimodal, low-emission freight transport systems and logistics (Inco Flagship) MG : Moving freight by Water: Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovative Vessels MG : Innovative applications of drones for safety in transport DT-ART : Developing and testing shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicle fleets in urban areas for the mobility of all

10 Silve Lätt (

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