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Welcome This is Charlie, Ben and Kieran's presentation this is about praying and Muslims - why and how they pray and what is a prayer.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome This is Charlie, Ben and Kieran's presentation this is about praying and Muslims - why and how they pray and what is a prayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome This is Charlie, Ben and Kieran's presentation this is about praying and Muslims - why and how they pray and what is a prayer.

When you pray you are talking to Allah and sometimes listening and communicating . Muslims pray 5 times a day at sunrise, early morning, midday, early afternoon and sunset Friday is a special day for Muslims to pray in a mosque. They walk around the Kab'ah 7 times anti clock wise and there's three floors.

3 HOW DO MUSLIMS PRAY ? Before Muslims pray they do a special kind of wash first Muslims rinse their mouth, nostrils , face, feet and arms and also say special Arabic words. Muslims face to a black stone called ka'abah.They walk around the Ka'abah 7 times anti clock wise and there's three floors. When they pray there's four main actions standing, kneeling, bowing as in the one like to the king and the one were you put your head on the floor.

4 WHY DO MUSLIMS PRAY ? Muslims pray to show their appreciation to God, to worship God and to thank God for our lives and food. If Muslims do something wrong Muslims go and say sorry to God. During Hajj Muslims go out into the desert and find seven pebbles and say what they will never do again and each time they throw a pebble they say what they will never do again.

5 GLOSSARY Praying: Praying is a type of talking to God.
Allah: Allah is the one and only Muslim God. mosque:A Mosque is a place of worship. Arabic:Arabic is the language of the Arabs. Ka'bah:Ka'bah is a black stone that Muslims pray towards. Muslims:A Muslim is a type of person that follows the religion of Muhammad.

6 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have been a good audience THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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