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Homework #3 The following problems are out of the textbook “Industrial Ecology” 1. Problem 8.1 2. Problem 8.2 3. Problem 9.3 Hint: A simple and reasonable.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework #3 The following problems are out of the textbook “Industrial Ecology” 1. Problem 8.1 2. Problem 8.2 3. Problem 9.3 Hint: A simple and reasonable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework #3 The following problems are out of the textbook “Industrial Ecology” 1. Problem 8.1 2. Problem 8.2 3. Problem 9.3 Hint: A simple and reasonable technique is to sum the row entries and column entries. An overall rating is given by adding row totals(or the equivalent, column totals) so that the entire matrix is summed. Answer: Design 2 is better than design 1 because design 2 has higher overall score (48 to 43), and the product use rating, and many products have their greatest impact during the in-use stage.

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