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Chapter 10 Perspectives on SLA

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1 Chapter 10 Perspectives on SLA

2 Q: Describe yourself as an L2 learner (p.282)

3 Q: Discuss SLA hypotheses (p.284-285)

4 Q: Explain the input hypothesis (p. 288-289) and criticisms of it (p

5 Q: Explain input vs. intake (p.290)

6 'Input' is the knowledge that an environment offers to a learner, whereas 'intake' is that particular amount of an input that a learner successfully processes to build up internal understanding of L2. The simple fact of presenting a certain linguistic form to a learner in the classroom does not necessarily qualify it for the status of intake

7 Q: Explain implicit vs. explicit knowledge (p.294)

8 Q: Explain intentional vs. incidental learning (p.294)

9 Incidental learning takes place without a specific motive or a specific formal instruction
accidental / indirect / additional / unplanned learning within an informal or formal learning situation

10 Q: Explain declarative vs. procedural knowledge (p.294)

11 Declarative knowledge is conscious; it can often be verbalized
Declarative knowledge is conscious; it can often be verbalized. Metalinguistic knowledge, or knowledge about a linguistic form, is declarative knowledge. Procedural knowledge involves knowing HOW to do something - ride a bike, for example. We may not be able to explain how we do it.

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