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Presentation on theme: "FLIPPED CLASSROOM ACTIVITY CONSTRUCTOR"— Presentation transcript:

Shaik. Naseeb Basha Asst. Professor G. Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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Table of Contents _________________________________ SECTION SLIDE # ABOUT ME 4 OUT-OF-CLASS SEGMENT 5 IN-CLASS SEGMENT 10 EVALUATION/ JUSTIFICATION 17 IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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About Me _________________________________ Shaik Naseeb Basha Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutics G. Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad Topic: BIOAVAILABILITY AND BIOEQUIVALENCE (BA/ BE) STUDIES IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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Out-of-class Activity Design -1 _________________________________ Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity What is Bioavailability and Bioequivalence? Various terminologies of bioavailability. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence protocol. How to assess bioavailability? Design and analysis of bioavailability. Key Concept(s) to be covered Bioavailability and Bioequivalence concept Study Design and analysis of Bioavailability Assessment methods for measurement of bioavailability IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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Out-of-class Activity Design -2 _________________________________ Main Video Source URL License of Video CC-BY-SA (reuse allowed) Mapping Concept to Video Source CONCEPT VIDEO SEGMENT DURATION (in min.) Bioavailability and Bioequivalence definition V1 - 0:00 – 2:31 2.31 Design and conduct of B.A studies V1 – 2:31 – 3:24 0.93 B.A & B.E protocol V1 – 3:24 – 5:27 2.03 Characteristics to be analyzed V1 – 5:27 – 5:45 0.18 B.A & B.E data analysis V1 – 5:45 – 6:55 1.10 B.A & B.E Documentation V1 – 6:55 – 9:50 2.95 TOTAL DURATION : 50 Min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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Out-of-class Activity Design -3 _________________________________ Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min.) Additional Instructions (if any) What is Bioavailability and Bioequivalence? Define Bioavailability and Bioequivalence. Various terminologies used in assessment of B.A & B.E Need and why to conduct B.A & B.E studies? 10:00 Watch the video and answer Q1- Q3 Types of B.A & B.E studies required 1) To which type of pharmaceutical product/s in vivo studies can be conducted. Watch the video and answer Q1 DURATION : 00 Min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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Out-of-class Activity Design -3 _________________________________ Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min.) Additional Instructions (if any) When B.E. studies are not necessary 1) For which type of products are B.A & B.E studies not required 10:00 Watch the video and answer Q1 Recommended methods to B.A & B.E studies What are the various methods to find B.A and B.E. What are various pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic methods to find in vivo bioavailability Watch the video and answer Q1 & Q2 DURATION : 00 Min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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Out-of-class Activity Design -3 _________________________________ Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min.) Additional Instructions (if any) Various designs to conduct B.E. studies What are the various designs can prepare for bioavailability studies? Which design suitable for B.A. studies 10:00 Watch the video and answer Q1 & Q2 Data analysis and acceptance criteria for bioavailability studies What are the various statistical methods to analyze B.A and B.E? What is the acceptance criteria bioavailability studies? DURATION : 00 Min. TOTAL DURATION FOR ACTIVITY : 00 Min. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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In- class Activity Design -1 _________________________________ Learning Objective(s) of In-Class Activity Definition of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence? Dose response curve for therapeutic action. Reasons to conduct Bioavailability and Bioequivalence. Design and analysis of bioavailability. Data analysis and statistical interpretation of data. Key Concept(s) to be covered Bioavailability and Bioequivalence concept Study Design and Assessment methods for measurement of bioavailability IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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In- class Activity Design -2 _________________________________ Active Learning Activity that I planed to do Active learning strategy: Think – Pair - Share Concept clarification using Peer instruction IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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In- class Activity Design -2 _________________________________ Peer Instruction Strategy : What Teacher Does? The questions related to the topic given in the video will be discussed and asked to the students and proceed to the In-Class Activity. Students: Answer the relevant answers to the questions asked. Teacher: Summarise the answers and give the explanation to the questions for the correct answers. Q1. Define bioavailabilty. Q2. Define bioequivalence. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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In- class Activity Design -2 _________________________________ Peer Instruction Strategy : What Teacher Does? Q3. Write experimental designs used for assessment of bioavailability. Q4. When bioequivalence studies are not necessary? Q5. What are the various pharmacokinetic parameters to be analysed for B.E. Study. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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In- class Activity Design -2 _________________________________ TPS Strategy : What Instructor Does? Write bioavailability assessment methods and protocol to conduct B.A. & B. E. Study. Think Phase: (~5- Min) Teacher does: Instructions given to the students about the task and also give a task in such a way that most of the students can participate and do the activity. Think individually and identify the related instructions from the instruction set. And also give general steps to write the answers. Student does: Start writing about the methods and basic protocol for assessment of bioavailability. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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In- class Activity Design -2 _________________________________ Pair Phase: (~ 10 Min) Teacher does: Give guidelines to the students to form as pairs or as small groups as in each group consists of 2 to 4 members (Max. 5 per group) In the Pair Phase check the identified instructions by the members and come to the conclusion to write the suitable answer. Students does: Students share the answer written individually and discuss the most suitable and possible answer for writing the assessment of bioavailability. Teacher : The teacher go around the class and motivate the groups to go along in the correct method and also give some guidance for the weak pairs which help them also to complete the given task successfully. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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In- class Activity Design -2 _________________________________ Share Phase: (~10 Min) Teacher Does: Instruct the students to share the number methods for assessment of bioavailability for drugs. Students does: Students share their answers and come to the conclusion with the correct and effective methods for assessment of bioavailability for drugs. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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Justification _________________________________ It is justified that by using the Flipping Classroom Activity (FCA) the involvement of the students in the classroom may improve. This method helped the students to develop the communication skill to discuss with others, share their ideas and think their own. The time taken to complete the tasks is also may fast comparing to the traditional classroom teaching process. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

Shaik. Naseeb Basha Asst. Professor G. Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay


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