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Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10:1-39
Hebrews and the Reluctant Transition of the Early NT Believer from Law to Grace Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10:1-39
Review Several NT passages mention fire in relation to the NT believer. NONE refer to ‘hell-fire’ 1) Heb 6:7-8 is an illustration of the burning of the NT believer’s works
Review Several NT passages mention fire in relation to the NT believer. NONE refer to ‘hell-fire’ 2) I Cor 3: also pictures the believer’s worthless works being burned up at the Bema seat (i.e judgment of believer’s works, cf II Cor 5:9-10). Additionally, there is emphasis of the believer being forever saved from association with these works (I Cor 3:15)
Review Several NT passages mention fire in relation to the NT believer. NONE refer to ‘hell-fire’ 3) Jn 15:6 - a picture of the burning of a branch that has been separated from the Vine. The burned branch represents the non-abiding believer removed from the Earth by the ultimate chastening of phsycial death.
Introduction Heb 10:27 – again, we see ‘fiery indignation” (zeal of fire) affecting the NT believers.
Background to the Book of Hebrews
Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council The problem addressed: How should the Church expect Gentile believers to live their lives as Christians? By law? By law and grace? By grace alone?
Background to the Book of Hebrews
The Council’s decision: They can live by this new revelation of ‘grace’ but must keep 4 rules that prevent Jewish Christian’s from being offended (Acts 15:23-31)
Background to the Book of Hebrews
The implied agreement for the Jewish Christians was that they would continue to live their lives as Christians by observing the Mosaic Law.
Background to the Book of Hebrews
Years later, Paul came to the conclusion that ALL believers (Jew and Gentile) were to live by GRACE through FAITH and not by the works of the Law…and so he wrote the Book of Hebrews.
Outline of Hebrews 10 The sacrifices of the Law could not mature those approaching God (vs 1) These animal sacrifices could only temporarily cover sins, they could not take away (permanently forgive) sins. (vs 4) The sacrifice of Christ was the permanent, ‘once-for-all’ solution for sin (vs 5,11-12)
Outline of Hebrews 10 God’s will had changed from providing a temporary solution for sin to a permanent solution (vs 5-10) Christ’s one offering provided maturity (in Christ) for believers in the process of sanctification on Earth until the Rapture (vs 14)
Outline of Hebrews 10 The NT believer can now ‘boldly enter the holiest’ (Holy of Holy’s in the 3rd Heaven) ‘by a ‘new and living way,’ i.e. by being baptized/placed into Christ) (vs 19-22)
Outline of Hebrews 10 Encouragement to ‘hold firm the hope’ of entering into the Holiest in the 3rd Heaven, i.e. our position in Christ (vs 23) Encouragement to live for other believers (vs 24) Encouragement to stop forsaking the assembling together (vs 25)
Outline of Hebrews 10 Voluntary sinning (after having experienced ‘the truth’ No further sacrifice for overcoming their sin nature (vs 25) Cf Heb 6:6 God’s judgment of zealous fire (vs 27) Cf Jn 15:6 Heb 7:5 “saved to the uttermost”
Conclusion Heb 6:1 - “Let us be carried on to maturity”
Rom 6: “For sin shall not have dominion over your, for you are not under law, but under grace”
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