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2 1. Define what you think caring means.

3 Caring is a powerful influence.
B. Caring takes practice.

4 C. You need to care about yourself.
D. When your needs are met, you can meet the needs of others.

5 2. What qualities do you think a caring person has?

6 Empathy- the ability to share a person’s feelings.
Compassion- a desire to help others. Trust- you can rely on them.

7 They are accepting and encouraging
Kindness Show gratitude Patient, give time

8 Show affection Actively listen and understand

9 3. Why do you think it is important to be a caring person?

10 Creates positive feelings.
Builds relationships

11 Promotes greater happiness.
Creates understanding

12 YAHOO!!!!! Extra Credit Opportunity: 10 points
DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Take something you learned in the discussion today and use it to demonstrate that you care about someone. Write a nice, detailed, exciting, fabulous description of what you did, said, felt, etc. I want to feel the caring just dripping from your paragraph. Turn it in next class period! Get the extra credit!

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