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Moving Toward Nationhood

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1 Moving Toward Nationhood
Chapter 4 Section 3

2 A Clash of Views England believed Parliament represented all citizens including colonists. Colonists could not vote for or be a member of Parliament. Colonists could only trade with England. Despite differences many colonists were loyal English citizens. Helped England defeat France in the French and Indian War in 1763.

3 “No Taxation Without Representation”
England had huge war debts, so colonies were taxed. Governors were given greater power by the Parliament to collect taxes. Parliament ignored all colonists protests. Committees of Correspondence organized to pass information between colonies. 1774 – First Continental Congress – threatened to cut off trade.

4 Con’t 1775 – the situation got worse. Second Continental Congress met.
Violence had already broke out in Massachusetts. Thomas Paine – Common Sense – pg. 97

5 Organizing a New Government
“free and independent states” People used to written plan of governing. Compact (Mayflower), written agreement to make and obey laws. Each state created constitutions. Some had lists of citizens rights. Governor’s term limited Separation of gov. –judicial, executive, legistlative (Montesquieu)

6 Articles of Confederation
Second Cont.Congress fearful of giving power to a centralized government. National legislature with one representative and one vote. No other branches for fear they would take power from states. Congress could declare war, make treaties and work out trade agreements between states. Could not tax or enforce laws. Took 4 years to ratify – 1781.

7 Limping Government Struggling Economy – Could not pay off war debt.
New Congress could not regulate trade with England. Could not tax to raise English taxes. England cut off trade with British West Indies.

8 Shays’ Rebellion Farmers couldn’t sell crops to Caribbean colonies.
Taxes raised on farms by state legislatures; farmers unable to pay and would loose farms. 1786 –Daniel Shays stormed courthouse . Massachusetts used its own state militia. Highlighted weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

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