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Scoring Attendance (20%) Paper reading by mid-term(20%)

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Presentation on theme: "Scoring Attendance (20%) Paper reading by mid-term(20%)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scoring Attendance (20%) Paper reading by mid-term(20%)
15 classes Paper reading by mid-term(20%) Search for a paper related to CADD A short summary in one page(10%) A 5min oral presentation (10%) Report on databases (10%) A short summary in one page Attach snapshots of key web-pages Project proposal(50%) one person or one teams; 10 min presentation for each team(20%) A proposal (<10 pages) (30%)

2 Example of database 常用蛋白序列和结构数据库

3 Example of databases 蛋白质结构和功能关系数据库 MUCH More on internet!

4 Examples of report

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