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Newsletter Bizzy Bears Contacts During sessions: Out of hours : -

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1 Email: -
Newsletter Bizzy Bears Contacts During sessions: Out of hours : - Follow us on face book Pre-School Newsletter February 2019 Spring Term This half term we will be following the children’s interests and incorporating these into our weekly planning. Kids Klub Productions The UK market leader in keepsake films will be at Bizzy Bears on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th February from 9.00am. Kids Klub is a fun activity where each child can star in their own animated movie which are available for parents to take home and view the same day. Bizzy Bears will receive a percentage of any money raised which will go towards our fun day in July Please avoid dressing your child in blue or purple clothing, as these colours will disappear on the TV. Please let a member of staff know if you do not want your child to take part. We are required to obtain written permission for each child to take part, forms will be given out w/b 3rd February at Preschool. World book day On Thursday 7th March we will be celebrating World Book Day. Children are invited to come to Preschool dressed as their favourite book character. We will be sharing books and taking part in Literacy themed activities. Introducing Signing Following recent training on the benefits of introducing signing to young children as a communication and development tool ,we feel this would benefit all the children in our setting. Early Years signing supports spoken language, it gives all children a way to get their meaning across reducing frustration. Signing has not been found to inhibit or reduce speech on the contrary, it often increases speech. Signing has been shown to improve children’s confidence and communication skills enabling them to express themselves creatively. We shall be introducing one sign each week using key words that the children use on a daily basis. We shall be making it fun with games, activities, stories and songs focusing on our sign of the week. We will display our sign of the week in the corridor on our planning board. You can find more information at and

2 Sickness and Infection control
Parents voice meeting Sarah will be holding a coffee Morning on Monday 11th March at 9.10am and welcome all parents/carers and siblings. We would value your ideas and views on venues for this years summer trip and any other aspect of Bizzy Bears Preschool. Comic relief 2019 On Friday 15th March we are asking everyone to join us wearing red and their Comic relief noses at Preschool for a small donation, to raise money for this years comic relief appeal. Sickness and Infection control It is very important to protect all children and staff from unwanted infections within the Preschool environment. Parents are asked to keep their child at home if they are unwell and to inform us as to the nature of the illness by telephone so that we can provide relevant information to prevent the spread of infection. Parents are asked to keep a child away from Pre-school, who has been suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea until at least 48 hrs has elapsed since the last incident. If you feel your child is unwell enough to require Calpol/Nurofen or any other Paracetamol product before coming to Pre school, we would ask that you keep them at home. Our setting is unable to administer non prescribed medicine. Policy of the month We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures that Bizzy Bears follows. A copy of all of our policies can be found, in the policy book in the changing room and on our website. We can also parents a copy if requested. Front door Can we please ask that all parents close the main door behind them after coming in or out of pre school to keep the heat in during this cold weather spot. Thank you Severe Weather In the unlikely event that Bizzy Bears has to remain closed due to severe weather conditions, we will post this information on our own website and on our Facebook page. Dates for your diary Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th February 9.00am- Kids Klub DVD productions Friday 15th February – Pre school closes for half term Monday 25th February – Pre school opens Thursday 7th March- World book day Monday 11th March 9.10am –Parents voice meeting Friday 15th March- Wear red for Comic Relief

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