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Presentation on theme: "RELIEF TILES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Step 1: Choose Subject Matter
ACTUAL 3-D object or thing Keep it simple! Bigger isn’t always better!!! Choose something that might fill a smaller space Examples: plant life, small animals, insects, fruit, interesting tools or contraptions, interesting jewelry…

3 NO cartoons, clip art, outlines, symbols!!

4 If you want a large subject, choose a portion of it rather than the whole thing. Example: A single flower rather than a bouquet

5 Whatever you choose… Try to find a FRONT VIEW & a PROFILE VIEW

6 Step 2: Choose a Motif ***Motif: an element of a pattern, image or part of one


8 Step 3: Size the References
Subject & Motif: On a word document, size the FRONT VIEW and MOTIF to fit within the parameters: Minimum: 5x7 Maximum: 8x10 ***SAVE YOUR PHOTOS TO YOUR PHONE AND THEM TO ME TODAY

9 Step 4: Transfer to Plastic
Transfer the Contour of your Subject to plastic using sharpie Transfer the Motif Design to a 2nd piece of plastic using a different color sharpie

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